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View Full Version : scared of any kind of medication

08-11-05, 09:47
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes anyway ....

I am agorophobic and suffer with anxiety daily - it is non stop. I don't take any kind of medication, even paracetamol, because I am too scared of the side effects.

The problem is that I have to have some dental treatment tomorrow and because I have a heart murmur and thickened heart valve I have been given antibiotics to take prior to going to the dentist. I have checked up on the side effects and am now panicking so badly about taking them.

Just wondered if there was anyone else like me that could help me cope, any words of encourage would be appreciated - I feel so scared at the moment.

Thanks - Toffee

08-11-05, 10:15
hi toffee

i am also so scared of taking any kind of meds even paracetomol like you ,,,,you are not on your own here mate,,

with me its like i dont know what i am puuting into my body and will i lose control or freak out when i have taken whatever tablet,,really really silly i know,,,

i wish you the best of luck with your dental treatment my friend,,


08-11-05, 10:36
hi toffee
i no exactly how you feel i have even checked side effects on vick sinex HONESTLY, my nurse advised me not to read side effects as they write them as a safety net to being sued your tablets have been given to you to help you i am the same tho and get anxious with medication. have you got someone who will sit with you for a while after you take the first one , i had to have that last year when i started meds. please try not to worry (easier said that done eh) im sure youll be fine
hope this helps good luck tommorow
take care

08-11-05, 11:19
I am exactly the same!! Taking meds is the worst bit about being ill for me. Nothing will happen though. The trick is not to read the side-effects!!:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

08-11-05, 15:11
I thought I was the only one who was terrified to take medicine!! I have always told myself I was crazy for being this way. My husband doesn't understand. He always says, " How do you expect to get better, if you won't take the medicine?" Sometimes I can put myself into a full blown panic attack when taking a Xanax that is supposed to calm me down. LOL! I won't even take a Tylenol , I'am very hard to treat because of this. I'm sorry you go through the same thing , but I'am glad to know I'm not alone.

08-11-05, 18:39
Me too - hate it.

I am ok with aspirins etc but nothing stronger. I had to have some anti-biotics recently and felt dreadful. The way I coped was to keep telling myself that it was just the drugs and the feelings would soon go and I would be fine.

Of course a week later I was back to feel ok again.

It just takes a lot of self-talk and keep telling yourself that you are ok and it can't harm you even thought you may feel rubbish.


08-11-05, 19:33
Hi Toffee:D

Looks like you're not alone with this problem!!

I think like someone said, it's best not to read the side-effects too closely, it is there as a safety net and they test these drugs so much before they are made available.

Keep telling yourself you are going to be fine rather than telling yourself you not. I know these are just words but it can help, honestly.

Good luck for tomorrow and it will all be over before you know it!!
Take care:)

Jem xxx

08-11-05, 21:14
Thanks for your replies - it really does help knowing I am not alone.

But I am still so scared. Does anyone know how long it takes for the side effects of medication to affect you.

08-11-05, 21:37
hey toffee,
you are not alone with this, i am exactly the same.
not sure how long the medication would take to kick in, but i think it depends on the medication. maybe meg can help you with this?
take care
henri x

09-11-05, 00:28
hi toffee,

i too am scared of any kind of medication r any treatment as i had a bad experience. it is the side effects that is the worry for wotever reason. i no if i was in ur shoes i would feel exactly the same so u r not alone. i no that wont stop u worrying but we r all here for each other for chats r a friendly ear and to share with each other so u no ur not the only one and u r not alone in how u feel.

i think with medication it depends on the person. i agree with wot alot of ppl here have already said, dont read the side effects cos i dont. it only makes it worse.

try to stay calm and take each day at a time. i hope all goes well.

lin x

09-11-05, 09:34
Hi Toffee,

I am exactly the same as you, in that I also have a slight heart murmur and have to take antibiotics too before dental work.

I had 3 fillings done in last Dec and I was fine.

Love Piglet :)

10-11-05, 21:16
medication panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5368)

Hope it went ok


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-11-05, 07:17
Am pleased to say that it went ok. I only took half the medication and was in tears by the time I took it, but I took some of it. The dentist was ok too. It wasn't at all painful although I did feel very nervous. She was very good with me and stopped for five minutes half way through because I felt a little light headed. She reasurred me saying that if I felt too panicky she would stop and put in a temporary filling. I think it really helps having an understanding dentist.

So now I have to go back next Friday to have it filled properly. That will be four visits in three weeks for the same tooth - not bad for someone who is so scared of the dentist lol.

Thanks again for all your support.

11-11-05, 10:04
Hi Toffee abd welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and

make some great friends too!:D

I too fear taking any kind of medication, although I am okay with taking


I am so glad that everything went okay for you.:D[^]:D

Take Care



11-11-05, 11:38
Tofee glad to your treatment went well


24-03-08, 21:51
I am the same. Am panicking now about taking antibiotics for a kidney infec, too scared to try them. Would be my third lot but these sound very scarey.
Husband does not understand.
Also bring on full panic attack after taking them.