View Full Version : I woke up to clenched hands, aching arms.. Anyone else?? Scared :(

03-11-09, 09:15

Im guessing Im the only one with this, esp as Ive never heard of it before..

I went to bed, ok I guess, not particularly anxious. Then about 2am I woke up with really aching arms (at the top only), as I was half asleep I didnt realise completely what was wrong, but I looked down at my hands and they were clenched, making the shape as if I were riding a bike - kind of an open fist?
I tried to get comfy because my arms were aching, then I realised I felt totally weak all over and my body was shaking when I tried to lift it.

Of course I then lay in bed being scared stiff about ms and other things (esp as I had a really weird dizzy moment earlier yesterday too).

I so hope Im not the only one as this one has scared me :weep:

03-11-09, 14:10
I highly doubt it's MS and you shouldn't diagnose yourself just from that!

Lol we're all nutters worried about MS on here..

How is your strength now?

Sounds like you had anxiety subconciously to me or you could maybe had a bad dream or just a dream and your hands were like that because of it?

Don't start worrying yourself about MS because that doesn't seem to be a symptom of it.

03-11-09, 14:14
i agree with gazman try to relax maybe if no better ask docter but dont google love mags

03-11-09, 14:17
What are love mags??

03-11-09, 19:32
What are love mags??


'..dont google. Love Mags'

03-11-09, 19:34
Thank you for your replies.

Im hoping it was just a nightmare. I have been anxious about going out to parents evening tonight, and about my Nannas funeral.. so maybe I got anxious during the night (Im hoping!).

Thank you xx.