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View Full Version : Anyone tried hypnotherapy?

03-11-09, 15:29
I suffer from anxiety and panic, and have tried medication and CBT (which I'm still having). I've been thinking about hypnotherapy for a while, and was just wondering if anyone's tried it. I tend to think everything's worth a try, but I feel a bit scared about this to be honest - I know it's not like it is on the TV, but still... can't really explain, but would like to have an idea of what's involved before I take this further.

Thanks all!

Sorry - just seen the section for hypnotherapy and realised this is in the wrong place!

03-11-09, 16:18
Hi there

I will move this thread for you :D


03-11-09, 17:13
I've tried Hypnotherapy twice and it did nothing for me though I know many have claimed massive and lasting benefits . There's nothing to worry about in the process- you're always aware of what is happening. The nearest parallel I would draw to the Hypnotic state is it's like you're daydreaming. If you do declde to go ahead I hope it does work for you but maybe it's wise to find a Hypnotherapist who comes with a personal recommendation as I suspect that there are many Hypnotherapists who just aren't very good and this is where I went wrong

03-11-09, 21:32
I had hypnotherapy from my GP for health anxiety and panic attacks and it helped me a great deal at the time. It is absolutely nothing to fear as you are aware all the time of your surroundings and what is being said. You are still in control. Good luck if you decide to go ahead...hope it helps. XX

Jac 2009
03-11-09, 21:45
I've tried hynotherapy a couple of times - as far back as twenty years. I decided to give it another go. I went to therapist, who also does CBT, on Saturday. it's been great so far. I am sick of going from one type of therapy to another hoping for a magic cure. This time I have realised that you are on your own in this and it is up to you to find your own magic cure, with help of course.

I am fully committed to making this work and I feel good about that. For the first time in years, I slept throught the night last night and didn't panic. It's early days but I am optimistic. Choose your therapist wisely - someone who has been at it a long time and who charges a reasonable amount and someone who you trust. I wish you luck.

Jac x

03-11-09, 22:54
i tried it when i was 18 i was surprised at how relaxed you are made and i knew all that was going on around me but actually couldn't rouse myself until he told me to. i can't say it helped any i honestly got nothing from it only that i cried when he took me to my childhood that he said was where the problems started. everyones different though it could well work for you

04-11-09, 00:55
i tried it about 2 years ago for about 6 months with a session being every 2 weeks, it didn't really work for me but he did stress about how it would help a lot more if i was out every day doing something.