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View Full Version : Waking up sweating

03-11-09, 16:25
I havent had anxiety/panic attacks in a very very long time and im feeling wondefull. However, for a few weeks now, ive been waking up covered in sweat. First it was the back of my neck, then from my knee's down and now all over. Im not soaked as in i need to change my pj's but they are definitely damp and the duvet actually sticks to my legs. Im not too hot or anything. In fact, sometimes im too cold to put my arms out of the covers. Im seeing my gp about this tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had some advice in the meantime?

03-11-09, 17:11
hi your hormones can cause this ,,at.any age ,,i think tats what it could be dr will be able to tell tou ,,