View Full Version : about my daughter-leg weakness

03-11-09, 17:41

my daughter is 2, she has global developmental delay and generalised muscle weakness, she has had a bunch of assessments and tests, and her genetic results to see whether this is due to a genetic disorder came back normal.

Yesterday she started to trip and fall more often, today iv been watching her legs closely and when it happens its like her legs are giving way.

The panicker in me is terrified this is the manifestation of some degenerative disorder,iv spoken to her paediatrician who said take her to see her GP but dont worry, so iv got to take her tomorrow, but i am out of my mind with worry.

Wondering if anyone had had similar experiences and whether anyone knows if the blood and urine tests they took would have ruled out degenerative disorders too, im panicking :weep:

char xxx

03-11-09, 17:53
hi yes they would show up depending on what test the doctor asked for i am sure he will have tested for everything,i haven't known anyone personally but i was a nurse .i shouldn't worry too much if the tests your child had done came back,ok i am worried about my daughter at the moment but she is young women ,,it must be so hard for you when yours is only little i pray everything will be normal for her ,,i really do ,,, maggy

04-11-09, 20:59
thanku for reply, am trying not to worry too much, she actually seemed a little better today and i think its prob due to a virus shes had with the cold.

thanx again