View Full Version : Fed up with headaches

03-11-09, 18:19
Hi guys,

I know there are loads of posts on here about headaches but I need to write about mine as i'm truly fed up and quite tearful tonight.

I'm prone to headaches anyway but had managed to dramatically decrease the amount I was getting by cutting out those trigger foods (chocolate, cheese, orange juice and marmite). For about the last week or so now, i've had a near constant headache. I seem to manage to get rid of it overnight but then as the morning progresses, I gradually notice my head hurting again. It's mainly on both sides, occasionally seems more one sided, some pressure in head with occasional pains behind my eyes. Sometimes I can relate it all to tension, other times it feels sinusy but I just feel so fed up at the moment...I try warm baths, early nights and painkillers, which don't always work...

Can anyone help to cheer me up a bit? Feeling low...:weep:

03-11-09, 18:57
Hi annabanana.....poor you darling, i can really sympathise with the problems you're having with headaches :hugs: Sometimes i think there is no rhymn or reason for this to happen for so long. I have previously done everything to help myself, from a clinic in London to acupuncture. You have certainly cut out all the foods that may be a trigger which is very good :yesyes:
I have been at the end of my tether on various occasions...have you tried paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately ? This managed to shift a tension headache that i had for numerous weeks but i had to stick to the routine with taking the meds. Now i have so much going on in my life and i have resorted to amitriptyline 75mg which i know is alot but it's working for me. I wish you all the luck in the world sweetie and hope you can manage to get this under control soon. :) Don't think i will have cheered you up much, sorry !!

03-11-09, 18:58
Try swimming and have a steam room session afterwards .. it helps , well it helps me .. i feel for you , i only started with headaches 6 week ago and i was terrified and annoyed with them.. never had a headache until then and im 39... try not to concentrate on them too much ( easier said than done ).

Moggy x