View Full Version : I Need Your Advice!

03-11-09, 19:23
This is a reply from one of my last posts.

Ive spoke to my doctor about this,

And he didnt blink an eyelid he totally ignored me, gave me eye tests felt my tummy said he couldnt find nothing, ive even had blood tests everything is normal altho my thyroid gland is borderline. I feel very ill at the moment even the strong anti biotics arent working ive been taking one a day and ur supposed to take one 4 times a day do you think this could be a problem? I dont know what to say or do anymore i just walk about and beat myself up inside i get so overwelmed and if im out with my family i have to stop myself from crying, i wont get up and walk around if im out i just feel very very ill all the time its ruining my life im 15 years old.


I keep feeling very ill when i go outside or go out to places.
When im out my glands will get swolen and i'll feel sick in
my tummy and throat i need to keep going to the loo and
i feel exremley fatigue and 'woozy' i cant enjoy things i
used to do anymore :( im only 15 years old i just want to
feel like every other 15 year old girl. Im going to college
soon i dont know how im gonna cope with this, how am i
gonna live my life if i feel like this everyday. Feeling ill all
the time and feeling sick, why am i always ill for? Please
does anyone have these answers to my questions, i dont
know what im doing wrong!
And What is the faint sick feeling about, does anybody know..?
I get it quite alot it and i dont really feeling like moving about
drinking or eating, it puts me off food and certain things but
it passes or just gets worse and then passes.. :huh:

Ruby x

03-11-09, 19:27
have you spoken to your mum or dad about this or anyone else? Maybe they could go to the doctors with you. alot of people feel like this, myself included but you need to speak to someone about it and get help or it may get worse. Not all doctors are sympathetic, but there is more than one doctor in majority of surgerys so find one who will reassure you x