View Full Version : A little experiment...

03-11-09, 20:37
...for me the fear of death/incapacitation is overwhelming for a lot of every day. I've had this fear for years but nothing bad has ever happened. I've had pvcs for years and no heart attack yet.

I refuse to watch holby city, casualty etc and the news any more just in case anyone else has died and it's a symptom that i get. Celebrities dying is another - I don't mind if they die in a car crash or something, but natural causes really affects me.

It's stupid. It's my brain playing tricks. I just pick up on the negative in everything.

eg I just read a post on here which was overall positive but it mentioned that their uncle had died in his sleep in his 30s. Now, this is the only bit of the article I remember. I have been obsessing about it and thinking about going to sleep myself, hoping im alright.

So here's the experiment: let's desensitise ourselves to these words/thoughts/images by devoting this thread to them. IT IS ONLY WORDS, THEY CAN NOT HURT YOU. IF YOU FEEL WORSE READING THIS THREAD, YOU KNOW THERE'S NOTHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH YOU.

I'll kick things off feel free to add your own:

Steven Gately pulmonary edema
Michael Jackson cardiac arrest
heart attack
brain tumour
cardiovascular accident
sudden death syndrome
brain hemorrhage

feeling more anxious? I am! please add some more and lets face these demons here and now.

03-11-09, 21:50
OMG you have just described me in that post completley, im feel for you but it's nice to know im not alone in my thinking I really cant add anything to your list as there the ones i worry about. I'm trying not to feel anxious about these things and so far i'm doing quite well. Please add me as a friend on here would be great to talk to you.

Jo xx

Jac 2009
03-11-09, 22:26
Thank you for this, you are absolutely right. I'll add another, my own personal demon to the list:
Lung cancer.

Facing your demons is absolutely the right thing to do. Let's not stop.


03-11-09, 22:29
MS, ALS, auto immune diseases, neurological diseases etc, muscle wasting diseases :blush: