View Full Version : leg flutters

03-11-09, 21:28
Today I've noticed I have some sort of "fluttering" in my upper leg. Seems to happen after I walk for a bit. No pain or anything.

I have been feeling more anxious the past few days. Hopefully it goes away soon.

Anxiety related ya think?

03-11-09, 22:24
It's probably because you've been walking a bit and it's a wee muscle that's tensed up. It'll calm down again. I've had this when I've overdone it a bit. What about a nice hot bath?
Myra x

04-11-09, 09:04
I have had leg muscle flutters on and off for past 25 years!! I can get months on end where they drive me mad twitching away you can see the muscle jumping and then it will go away for months - mostly affects my thigh muscle front but sometimes back as well.
I tend to get them when I am more stressed than usual:) which means not just my usual constant worry over health but also other things I had it really badly all the time my mother was terminally ill until after she died - when I changed to a stressful job for 6 months etc etc. I moved house 3 months ago and have had twitching left thigh every day since.
My Dr said its overworked nervous system - he got it when he first qualified as a Dr for a year! as long as you have no weakness like dragging your leg! its nothing to worry about - just like a tic in your eyelid.