View Full Version : Night-Time Breathing

Sheik N Shimmy
08-11-05, 12:58
Did you ever worry that you'd forget to breath when asleep?

Sounds nuts but for a couple of nights in a row this week I found that when I'd be just about asleep I'd wake up because I hadn't taken a breath.

I'm still here but it was frightening at the time.


Keep On Keepin On

08-11-05, 17:10
hi sheik n shimmy:
my friend had this (he's 45) and after putting up with it for ages he saw the doc who said it was "sleep apnea" (spelling). im not saying thats what you have but it sounds similar to his symptoms...he now sleeps soundly with some oxygen machine next to his bed...


08-11-05, 19:36
I know what that feels like and it is very scary and uncomfortable and can even interfere with sleep! I thought right away that it must be sleep apnea, but after a few nights I moved on to worring about something else (as I always do!) and it went away! Good luck and I hope you sleep better.

15-11-05, 13:22
It doesn't sound like sleep apnoea, thats a purely mechanical problem that mainly occur in deep sleep when you relax the most (and I know, cause I have one of those machines).

Probably just another of those weird and wonderful anxiety symptoms =P

However, should you be worried about sleep apnoea, its VERY easy and painless to test for, you just have to sleep with a thing clipped on your finger and an elastic band around your chest thats connected to a tiny computer.


I'm not insane.. really

Sheik N Shimmy
16-11-05, 11:32
Thanks for the responses. As Martin and 'gonecrazy' suggested, it seems to have been a temporary thing. Most probably associated with this strange condition of anxiety. Since I wrote the original post I don't think I've been affected.

I've greatly helped myself by administering a half a bottle of wine or a couple of pints of Guinness before the onset of sleep. It works wonders, the baby sleeps all night through now !!!

Keep On Keepin On

16-11-05, 11:59
Ive had it beafore, ive also wpoke up searching for a pulse because it didnt feel there! but siurely enough it came back. itr was strange though, everything felt so still, so peaceful,but only for a second, then i freaked and sure enough my heartbeat was back and thumping like crazy! id never been so peased to feel a thumping heart beat!
The breathing thing used to get to me, but now it doesnt, i know your body takes over! thats y when u drown u drown!!, because ure body has to take a breath, no matter how long u try to hold it, eventually it has to take a breath.

16-11-05, 14:32
Nicely explained Becci and very true.

20-11-05, 02:01
Your brain makes sure you breathe doesn't it, even when you forget? I forget to breathe sometimes at night and then I half-dream I've fallen over or something and jolt back awake.