View Full Version : Does anyone have an age?

03-11-09, 21:45
Does anyone have an age that they are convinced there gonna die, like mine is 29 dunno why its just a number i cant get outta my head. Or did anyone have that then go past that age?

Just wanna know if anyone else is the same as me?

Jo xxx

Jac 2009
03-11-09, 22:12
Mine was 55 - I lived through it! x

03-11-09, 22:15
Yes-74-A few years to go yet !!!

03-11-09, 22:16
Really it's nice to know someones the same , I dont know where this age has come from but it's so frustrating. Was that year really bad for you or did you just try and forget about it?


Jac 2009
03-11-09, 22:21
Stressed me out big time. Some ****er who read my palm years ago said I was going to die when I was 55. OMG - why do we listen to this crap? I am going to die sometime but I don't think that a bloke in a pub knows much about it! Stop worrying - it's just another syptom of anxiety. x

03-11-09, 22:55

Try 18 21 30 35 40 45 still here and 47 now!!!!

Would never live to see my kids grow up.....23 and 26 now!!!!

Oh and 3 Grandkids too!!!!

Please dont worry:hugs:

Kaz x x x :hugs:

03-11-09, 23:10
Thank you Kaz I hate it and it worries me alot, I think mostley because of the bloke on Porridge who knew he was gonna die young and he did I think OMG I must be like him, so silly I know.


03-11-09, 23:35
when i was about 13 or 14 i thought i'd be dead by the time i had to get a job or by the time i was 18, i've always thought i was going to die young, maybe i've always been a little anxious then?

Sometimes i also thought i was gonna die or win the lottery lol crazy

04-11-09, 01:11
yes 210 with luck

04-11-09, 08:25
My counsellor told me years ago everyone should pick an age so I picked 90
Phill :shades:

04-11-09, 10:55
Forgot to add I always get this leading up to an event such as xmas or a holiday!!!!

Will never live to see/do it:doh:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-01-11, 20:19
mine was 14 :O but im now 18 lol

24-01-11, 22:59
I remember as a kid being convinced I wouldn't see my sixteenth birthday. Then my 18th, then 21st. All the milestone birthdays! I had a pretty serious accident a couple of days before my 23rd, and yet didn't become convinced I wouldn't see it, probably because I was too busy in pain, trying to convince my body it wanted to get better.

Right now it's my 27th, because that's the year I should become Dr PD (no, not that kind of doctor!) if all goes to plan.

I also get it before a bit event, that I'll be dead before it happens.