View Full Version : Anyone interested in a hospital experience support thread?

04-11-09, 00:03
I have talked to a few people about posting this and never got round to it so thought I would now.

Has anyone had a bad / traumatic time in hospital for whatever reason and need some support to talk about it etc.

As some of you will know I was hospitalised this time last year for 2 months due to Crohn's disesae and a subsequent heart attack.

I had a really realy bad experience in hospital and was in for 9 weeks in total and it has left me badly emotionally distraught and now having counselling.

I just wondered if we can talk about these things and help each other get through it and share experiences etc.

If you are interested then please post here

04-11-09, 00:40
I have had two very traumatic experiences with hospitals. My partner's Mum died as a direct result of the poor standard of care she received and my daughter gave birth in horrific conditions in North Staffs hospital, which was on the national news for letting 1700 patients die through lack of care. I have mostly blanked the experiences at the moment, especialy the one involving my daughter. I was her birth partner and was with her through it. I suppose I should deal with them, but don't know how.

04-11-09, 12:09
Interesting thread Nic.

I had a bad experience 20 years ago, lack of care during a major asthma attack which led to me being in the Intensive Care Unit on life support for nearly a week. I can still remember the words of the doctor in A&E.
"Asthmatic? Ah, in here under false pretences then.."
I had a fairly good relationship with my old GP but since that incident have basically held a deep mistrust towards anyone in the medical profession.
I have no problem dealing with doctors and specialists regarding my daughters health but when it comes to my own health I avoid doctors like the plague. I wouldn't even consider speaking to anyone regarding my mental health due to trust issues.

04-11-09, 12:14
I was left pretty traumatised 5 years ago after the birth of my last child, i should have seeked some help afterwards and didn't, i also should have complained about the lack of care but didn't.

Good thread nic, it helps to talk about it.

di xx

04-11-09, 12:21
I am currently supporting a neighbour who was in the same hospital as me and she has been in and out recently as she had a hip replacement that kept dislocating.

I sat with her the other night for an hour and she was nearly in tears and she said she can't stop crying since getting out after a 2 week stay as it was so awful in there.

She said only I really understand how traumatic it was as I was in the same hospital so saw the same things she did and know how it works in that particular hospital.

I still have nightmares about my time in there but am starting counselling in 2 weeks to see if I can move on from it and put it behind me.

Throughout my illness I was in and out of hospital as I kept getting very very sick and they had to keep injecting me with anti-sickness drugs and put me on a drip. Each time I knew the out-of-hours doctor was sending me back I would cry because I couldn't bear it again.

It got to be a joke when the nurses saw me and said "oh you back again lol".

Anyway keep the stories coming in - very interesting to read what others have to say.

sarah jayne
04-11-09, 12:29
I had a bad experience last year. I have 3 slipped disks in my neck and needed a facet joint injection. The doctor injected me in the wrong place, he injected the steroids into my spinal cord which resulted in me being very ill, i couldnt sit up, walk or do anything for over a week, i was in so much pain that i was on morphine and i had to have a ct scan because they thought it had effected my brain as i couldnt even open my eyes. It was an awful experience and as a result i dont trust docors at all.

04-11-09, 14:10
Hi Nic:D

This year alone I have.......

Been threatened with rape by a visiting male in emergency ward

Had patient escaping screamed at me when I left the ward cos was having a PA as a result of the above and wanted some air and a ciggie

Had an endoscopy and was sent home only the next day to discover I had internal bleeding and was rushed back in for a week and pints of blood(they cocked it up)

Been discharged from hospital after being treated for pnumonia even tho I had liver failure and malnutrition that they dident pick up on

A freind went in with an ingrown toenail and lost half his leg due to MRSA

And the hospital?????


Kaz x

And the whole thing left me in such a state doc gave me sleeping pills for a while cos I kept waking up screaming with nightmares!!!