View Full Version : Panic attacks and alcohol

08-11-05, 14:35
As other people on this forum I had a bad experience with LSD and alcohol over ten years ago and have suffered panic attacks. I have learned to control them but still cannot touch alcohol. All my friends think it stupid and I want to go out and get merry with them but as soon as I touch the stuff i get in a panic. Any help or anyone else suffer with this

08-11-05, 14:58
i get bad panic the day after i've had a drink. really bad.

08-11-05, 15:15
same... i feel like superman when im drunk but the day after i feel like i need alot of xanax

08-11-05, 16:38
I don't drink either but that doesn't mean that you still can't go out and enjoy yourself..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

08-11-05, 18:34
Hi Lisa

Welcome aboard.

You don't have to have a drink to be normal or fit in nowadays so there is no reason that you can't continue not to drink.

What about alcohol alternatives - wine, lager etc.


08-11-05, 20:52
Yes, Superman at night, not so super the next morning! Especially after a cocktail of Lager, Alchopops, and Red Bull and Vodka! Mix that with Cipramil and you start to feel strange :)

08-11-05, 21:39
Hi there,
I used to be a real drinker and now i can't touch alcohol. I keep trying to force myself to drink, but i never get past half a pint before feeling panicky!
I am trying to just get used to life without alcohol - it's not so bad after all

08-11-05, 21:44
I dont mind not drinking too much its just all the pressure that everyone puts on you, even my boyfriend thinks he is missing out coz we cant share a bottle of wine together. Its so weird I drink a few sips a feel panic attack coming on and just want to go to bed or be on my own so I dont have to think about it.

08-11-05, 23:12

That sounds like pressure to me. You can have your bottle of alcohol free wine. Why does he inist you have alcohol.

Do you really want to drink it or is it peer pressure to do so.


09-11-05, 02:17

10-11-05, 21:21
alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4783)
Anxiety and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5142)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5347)
hangovers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5825)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-11-05, 18:21
hi lisa, i don't drink that much anymore cos it causes panics the next day everyone's always saying to me that i'm only 19 so i should be out drinking and enjoying myself. On the occasions i have forced myself to go out and haven't had a drink ive had a brill time and my group of friends don't really notice i'm not drinking cos they're getting so drunk themselves[8D] do whatever yofeel comfy with and remember those pressurising you probably don't understand what you're going thru. hope you feel better soon, rois

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

12-11-05, 13:21
I am 41 years old and still feel like I suffer from peer pressure when it comes to drinking. So many people I know drink and equate it with having a good time. I don't want to tell people that drinking exacerbates my anxiety problem, so I usually just tell them that I don't drink and leave it at that. It is very difficult though, because people tend to view you as some kind of goody-goody. It just really makes me mad because when you are an adult you should do as you please without having to deal with people thinking things about you. Sometimes I have even had a small glass of wine at an occasion and sipped it V...E...R...Y slowly just to "save face" and not have to explain myself. I have only done that once in awhile - usually I just abstain.

12-11-05, 15:56
Tonic with ice and lemon passes off beautifully as a Gin and Tonic .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-11-05, 20:17
Hi there, joined the site today but was interested to see how alcohol affects others when it comes to anxiety/panic attacks.

Over the years I've realised that alcohol can cause panic attacks. Generally the day after can be bad although I've also felt panic a few times as I've been drinking. My own opinion is that it's down to losing control and not being able to think straight. I have had panic attacks for so long now that when I have a hangover, If I start to panic, I can tell myself that tomorrow I will be able to put it into perspective (even though I still don't believe it sometimes!!).

I seem to be able to link most of my attacks to times when I can't think straight - If I'm hungover, very tired or ill for example. However, I realise that that's not the cause behind the attacks in the first place.


10-01-08, 21:03
hi i only joined today but i no where your coming from i too cant drink alcohol because the last time i did was 5 years ago and i suffered a panic attack i would love to go out with my friends and have a drink but like you just the smell sends me into panic :weep:

10-01-08, 21:13
Alcohol and Anxiety are a lethal cocktail! Alcohol acts as a deppresant, try to drink in moderation or not at all, i have had panic attacks mainly in the night after drinking.

10-01-08, 21:26
I have to admit, for me, having a few drinks normally prevents me from having panic attacks so I usually look forward to that. But true enough, too much, and the next day the panic seems exaggerated along with the hangover/yukky stomach/splitting head lol. I'm sure moderation, as WDW just said, is the key. I think it depends how often you drink too.

11-01-08, 00:35
Hi Lisa,
I am an alcoholic.I have been sober for the last nine years.My wife drinks wine generally.We have a wine rack which I keep filled for her.She is able to drink and enjoy it.I am comfortable with her drinking because it adds to her life.I don't drink because my drinking almost destroyed me and nearly cost me my family.I will be alcoholic until I die.
So drink if it adds to your life,don't if it takes away!
Best wishes,

11-01-08, 12:30
I'm not one to hold back when i go out on the town with booze however although i don't feel panicy at the time generally i know that the next couple of days after it i will be feeling pretty anxious and panicy, As long as you are aware of it you can handle it.

As far as avioding alcohol goes that entirely a personal choice as someone else already said alcohol and anxiety is not a great mix! However you should never feel pressured into drinking if you don't want to.

If all else fails buy a lemonade and tell them it's got a double vodka in it lol they'll be too drunk to notice.

Maxine x

26-10-09, 20:12
We associate whatever we are doing or the way we are feeling at the time we have a panic attack with the CAUSE of the attack.

For instance I had a few attacks the day after a heavy drinking session.

So naturally I came to the conclusion that it was the hangover feeling that was causing my attacks.

No doubt there are many people on this forum that will associate quite different things with their attacks.

I don't avoid alcohol now, but I never drink too much, thus avoiding that horrible jittery feeling the next day that I believe could possibly lead to an attack.

I know its all in my mind but I just don't want to run the risk.

26-10-09, 21:26
Alcohol makes anxiety much much worse..stay away from it if it makes you feel so awful it makes me feel really bad too and that just on a a few glasses of rose wine.