View Full Version : Has anyone heard of Dysautonomia?

08-11-05, 15:36
Hi all,
I recently saw my cardiologist because I've been wearing a 30 day event monitor to watch all of the palpitations and racing heart I've been having. He says my heart is structurally fine with no blockages and no apparent defects but he told me that he thinks I have something called POTS , (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) non-life threatening I might add) it is a disorder of the automonic nervous system. He asked me if I had always been a nervous person and/or experienced frequent panic attacks through out my life. My answer was an astounding YES!!! I also told him of all of the dizziness and night sweats, wobbly legs, feeling spacey, etc. He said it was all linked to this disorder of the autonomic nervous system, the one that controls our "fight or flight". He explained it to me that type A personality people are very prone to this and we tend to overwork our adrenal glands that lie on top of our kidneys , they are what produces our adrenaline and epinephrine in our body. When we have extreme stressors (which I have had) it puts us into a storm so to speak. This is all new and very interesting to me. I'm a little bit sceptical but I've been doing research and I'll have to say that every symptom fits. But being a high anxiety person, it seems that I ususally have every symptom of any disease I read about. LOL!. Has anyone else heard of this? I'm really curious to know if there might be another medical condition besides just being anxious that is my problem.
Thanks a bunch,
Terri Lynn

09-11-05, 07:42

my doctor mentioned this to me once and said theres no need to wear a 24 hour belt because theres nothing that can be done to help it and its harmless.......he said knowing could make me stress more but I feel knowing can make you calmer because you know then its not your fault.

Infact thats what im looking for a reason so I can stop beating myself up about the way I Panic - I used to be a strong person?


09-11-05, 09:27
Gosh thats very interesting!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-02-09, 11:21
I think I have this. I went to the GP with an audible heartbeat, and my ECG and BP were fine, nothing arterially or structurally wrong. But when I stand up, my heartbeat increases a lot, and sometimes I feel quite disorientated. I do dispose towards chronic anxiety, and my heartbeat issue is markedly worse when (a) I'm stressed out about something (currently moving house, deeply unhappy relationship and career and fed up with winter) and/or I've consumed something that interferes with the adrenalin (alcohol, coffee).

I think this is a very interesting and possibly quite reassuring thing to know about.