View Full Version : Panic About Calling In Work Sick

04-11-09, 09:48
I have a major problem with anxiety when it comes to calling into work sick.

I'm genuinely suffering with flu at the moment and have recurring laryngitis which I know I can't help and I know isn't my fault but whenever I get ill and have to face the prospect of calling in to work I am gripped by fear.

When this happens I am literally sobbing on the floor, struggling to breathe and wanting to pull my own hair out/hit myself on the head to just get over it. It usually takes someone holding my wrists and talking firmly into my face to bring me round and usually I eventually do call and instantly feel better but today I really, really couldn't do it.

When I previously had laryngitis and lost my voice entirely my boss gave me his email address so I could email instead of calling so I used this yesterday as an alternative to calling but found out today, after emailing in again that he had not received the email and in effect I was AWOL (another colleague emailed to let me know) which has made the panic this morning even worse. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. I know I can't physically work being so ill and especially with no voice (I'm a Teaching Assistant) but I can only think of just going in and fighting through the day to avoid having to call in. I'd rather be sent home in necessary.

My work has a very strict policy on it being the employee that has to call, not a family member or partner.

I have a history of depression but have not suffered for 3 years now and the anxiety only occurs at these times.

I suppose I just wonder if anyone else finds this situation difficult and how they deal with it or whether it's just me going loopy over what I can logically see is a situation that should not get me into such a state.

Any advice/support or just acknowledgement that I'm not crazy would be gratefully received.

04-11-09, 09:55
I'm exactly the same, I'm
feeling ill 2day an need 2 fone n myself but keep putting it off, they r so strict n last time I was off with bad anxiety they told me it wasn't a good enough reason n gave me a warning. but at the end of the day, if ur nt able 2 wrk then there's no point going in an with u aving flu ur at risk of spreading it since u wrk with other people so it's totally understandable, dnt b afraid js do it ule feel better afterwards

04-11-09, 10:02
I get anxiety over illness at work/college because i always fear they wont believe me. Sometimes i just need a day off to chill out as im at college 3 days a week, work placement (as a teaching assistant:)) 2 days a week and i work in retail 2 at the weekend so i work 7 days a week with no time off. But i feel guilty about it and then get anxiety over it like how il get kicked out etc. Ive spoken to my tutor about this and she said as long as its not like every week then its fine because i can prove ive got mental health issues. I just get sick thinking about them thinking bad of me

04-11-09, 10:09

We all find this situation hard , its the pressure put on us by our employers and mor often than not inexperienced managers.
for some reason when we do call in we we seem to have to put on a sick voice which is mad as loads of proper ilnesses dont affect your voice.

As a manager myself it is always apreciated when the actual person cals to let me know but i just respect them mor for it

if you are too ill to work that is NOT something you should feel guilty about

04-11-09, 11:56
I do this. Last time, my Mam had to come round and hold my hand to help me make the call. When I did it I was hyperventilating so much I could barely talk.

I feel guilty for not being there. Once, when I was off sick for a week and didn't know what was wrong with me (turned out to be glandular fever but I didn't find out til almost a year later that I'd had it) I emailed everyone in my office to apologise and say I'd be back in soon. I got in trouble for that and I was really embarassed but I just get so anxious wondering what other people will think of me and whether they hate me for not being there when they need my help. I'm always really aware that if I'm not there then other people's workloads are increased.

Don't worry too much. I think a lot of people suffer from this. Get well soon. x

05-11-09, 07:56
I almost managed to call properly this morning - I called extra early and left a message on the answerphone to avoid actually talking to anyone.
I gave myself a bit of a mental scolding about not having the decency to do the right thing yesterday but it still makes me feel like I would rather jump out of a plane with no parachute than actually call.
Thanks for replying, it's a good feeling to know it isn't just me and my stupid ways when it comes to this.

05-11-09, 08:07
Hey - stop being so hard on yourself

Work will be there long after you are not and you are POORLY
Do you think the office wants flu passing round?

Try and get a good book to take your mind off the guilt and go back when you are fit and ready

RELAX and get yourself well


05-11-09, 10:21
I would like to thank you for posting this thread as im exactly the same.The fear is ridiculous.

I have been off work for the last two months due to anxiety and my employer is not the most caring one.They are now wanting explanations and the thought of having to speak to my boss or god for bid go to see him is something i just cant think about.

I do what i normally do and push it out of my mind and think to myself i have at least 5-4-3 etc days left till i have to worry about that!

08-11-09, 20:27
I used to be like this but now just think **** em!

I had all the guilty feelings and stuff but realised that at the end of the day work is just work and nobody really gives that much thought as to your wellbeing.

About a year or so ago a guy I worked with died suddenly totally out of the blue...he was 41 years old and had a young son. Everybody was gutted and carried out the usual mourning stuff....about 2 days later everybody was back to slagging everyone else off and bitching about Hilda in accounts being off with 'just stress' and all the usual rubbish.

If you go to work sick nobody thanks you and you don't get a gold star....phone em, tell them you are too sick to go in and that you will keep in touch as per your contractural requirements. It is their problem, let them deal with it.

08-11-09, 21:49
Hello there, Sorry to hear about your anxiety for calling in sick. THe last time i was off work sick ( mental health problems) I phoned up the HUMAN RESOURSES instead of my team leader ( as i felt i could not approach her at all) I talked to one of the HR team and she was great! i explained about my feelings towards my team lead and I asked the HR if she could phone and explain I also emailed the HR advisor with a detailed reason for being off work ( i was off for 5 weeks in total) At a later date she asked my permission to email to my team leader and i aggreed so she would understand a bit of my problems I know its not easy to phone in especially when its to do with anxiety, parinoia or depression but if you tried your HR department ( if you have one) it may help take care H x

08-11-09, 22:22
I think it's all down to confidence and self-esteem. You feel as though you really need to justify why you are off. Your health really does come first and when push comes to shove we are only a number at work. Think more of yourself and take time off until you feel better. You'll get no more thanks for it if you don't. Sounds harsh but I firmly believe this. Try not to get stressed about calling in because you deserve to take a rest to feel better.
Take care