View Full Version : Worked up!!!!

04-11-09, 12:08
I have an appointment on Friday for an assesment with a podiatrist about my foot.Im getting really anxious about it because its not at my surgery its at another surgery,I have never been there before and again its the unknown freaking me out!!!!:scared15::scared15:
What is there to be scared of dont know!!!!!!

They only ask questions I think,but what if I have to go else where like the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scared15:

04-11-09, 12:21
Hello :)

You are feeling very anxious about your appointment because you have anxiety and your nerves are easily triggered, with this in mind you are blowing your appointment out of proportion and thinking the worst of the situation.

If you continue to get yourself worked up about it i can pretty much guarantee that when you actually have you appointment you will think " that wasnt as bad as i thought".

"What If" thoughts are a complete waste of time, you cant predict what is going to happen and you are right there is nothing to be afraid of here.

Im sure the surgery will do the right thing for you, so whatever it is it will be to your advantage.

Try not to worry about this, it really is nothing to worry about!! it will all be fine :) xx

04-11-09, 13:32
Hi Ellen:hugs:

Please dont panic:hugs:

My son had a similar appt and had to have a special insert made for his shoe and it was all done at surgery:)

You will be fine hunny

Luv Kaz x x x:bighug1:

04-11-09, 15:14
Thanks for support,feeling better already.xxxx

04-11-09, 15:16
Its natural to feel anxious we ould all have fear of the unknown.. but as you say they will probably only ask questions

im sure you can get through this

05-11-09, 14:37
I think Ill be fine,but haven't been anywhere new recently,and its just that feeling again!!!!:ohmy:

05-11-09, 15:03
Best of luck for tomm Ellen:flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:

Not that you will need it:yesyes:

Thinking of You

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-11-09, 11:58
Got real bad tummy cramp this morning,and I know what it is.Had stupid am I.xxxx:hugs: