View Full Version : Blurred Vision - Really worried

04-11-09, 13:41
I'm very worried. I went to see my optician as I was experiencing blurred vision. I had a quick check and was told my eyes were slightly dry but no vein/nerve issues (could the optician see this?)

My eyes are blurred ad I'm really worried as I've had facial numbness and numbness/tingling sensations in hands and feet for weeks and I'm still waiting for my neurology appointment.

Can anyone help?

04-11-09, 13:46
I too went to the opticians yesterday and had my eyes tested, i told her my worries as i'm being referred to a neuro and that my eyes kept going in and out of focus, she had a look and said everything was fine except my poor left eye had got slightly worse which is normal for someone my age but she wanted to see me again in a year rather than the standard 2 so she could keep her eye on it???

But she said everything looked ok, probably all from stress and anxiety.

It's most likely to be anxiety and the more you worry about it the more it'll seem to get worse, the optician would have said if she had found anything serious

04-11-09, 13:55

I have had several episodes over the last few years when I had blurred vision in 1 eye. The optician can take a photo of the back of your eye and from there they can usually see the beginnings of nerve problems due to hypertension and even ms.

You are right to follow this through with a referral though as you will need reassurance so that you can move on. I had numbness and tingling in my face too which turned out to be TMJ. Many people on here have also experienced numbness in limbs which can be due to over-breathing and hyperventilating if you are anxious.

Hope you are feeling better soon

04-11-09, 14:41
I am so grateful for these responses.

My optician said my left eye had grown very shortsighted in only a few months.

Of course my mind dwells on neuropathy and MS :weep:

04-11-09, 15:11
exactly the same springblosoom, my left eye has too

04-11-09, 15:41
you know whats causing all this dont you these computers ,there are such a lot of people of all ages suffering with eye probs now ,i have dry eye thats where you feel like you have sand in them

04-11-09, 16:50
Sorry to hijack your thread springblossom but...

Has anyone suffered with tired eyes? My body doesn't feel tired and i don't feel tired but my eyes do, not the itchy type you get at night time but to me just feels like my eyes want to close... hard to explain cuz my vision is normal except what i've already explained above.

04-11-09, 18:50
It's fine Gazman. Can you describe your vision symptoms?

04-11-09, 18:57
well, it started with my eyes going in and out of focus like when your thinking about something your not really looking at it and it's all blurry, well i had trouble refocusing my eyes to get it back in focus, i do believe it's cuz of mental exhaustion, then some days my vision would be blurry from the moment i woke up and when reading something the tops of words would be doubled up, but thats gone now.

I'm sure it's all anxiety / stress

04-11-09, 19:02
I do hope so.

I've had so many of these 'nerve' things' tingling, numbness, burning, swelling, eye problems, it's really getting me down.

04-11-09, 19:07
I know how you feel i'm in the same boat, but at least you know your not alone with this, it's just a waiting game now i guess.

Good luck and keep me posted on your progress :yesyes:

Also wanted to add that none of us so far has had true numbness, by that i mean you can't lift the affected arm or if for example you had a shower you couldn't feel the heat on the affected area etc, so this is a good sign i think.

04-11-09, 19:13
Thank you - the NHS is a good system but I often dream of having private medical cover.