View Full Version : Does anyone else get these?

04-11-09, 16:05
Hey guys, just wondered if any of you have experienced this problem.. I suffer with Panic Attacks, although i haven't had one for a little while.. im currently on Flouxetine 20mg, have been for about 5-6 weeks. They were fine at first, but now i have been getting shaky in the mornings when i start to take them, im okay after i've eaten and taken my pill, which i normally do about 1pm. Also, recently i've had a really weird burning sensation in my chest.. its quite scary, as it makes me feel all tingly, and if im laying down i still feel weird. Its hard to explain.. but also i feel dizzy everytime i get up. Stand up, walk etc.. Does anyone have these side effects, or could anyone tell me if they have fully kicked in yet? I was told that these are just the tablets working.. But i have a fear of the doctors as it is, dont appreciate the fact of going back for a little while.. Any help will be greatly Appreciated. Thanks xx :blush:

04-11-09, 16:38
why not try on the other boards re your medication and side effects? :)

I'll see if I can find anything there.

04-11-09, 16:40
dunno if this works?
