View Full Version : Reasurance Required

04-11-09, 16:22
Hi, about June/July I had a really bad breakdown, off work for 6wks etc etc. During the breakdown I started getting twitching in my right calf muscles which freaked me out. i also get the in other areas like left leg arms maybe lip but nothing like as much as my right calf. This still continues and is now causing me to have aches in the calf from all this twitching I guess.

Has anyone else had this as its driving me mad and am scared I will relapse into my HA pit of horrors.

Thanks in advance

04-11-09, 17:19
Take a look at this:
http://www.nextination.com/aboutbfs/...opic.php?t=200 (http://www.nextination.com/aboutbfs/forums/viewtopic.php?t=200)

Sounds like anxiety to me, you'll be suprised how many people here have twitches that start like yours and all have been told it's anxiety.

I would however get it checked by the doc to put your mind at ease :)

agent orange
04-11-09, 17:26
Twitching is usually anxiety, most of us have it and I get it all the time, try to relax and ignore them.