View Full Version : Just been to new doctors...

04-11-09, 16:46

My anxiety seems sky high at the moment due to my son having asthma again... I first went to doctors with him. The doc relieved my anxiety by saying he had nothing on his chest.

I felt a lot better but still quiet anixious so I thought I would go the whole hog and go for a check up. As this is a new doctor and my full medical records have not been put on the system yet, she asked a few questions and then said I think we should have a ECG. I feel I then asked if she had my full records and did she know that back in 2007 I had all the tests multiple ECG's Echo scan, stress test and 24 Tape. I have to say I feel I jumped at her with all this and now I feel she retracted her offer of an ECG based on how I over reacted. I am know, as usual, left feeling may be I needed one. Know I have been prescribed Propranol 10 mg and sent away.

I know feel anxious about what has happened, should I have gone to the doctors again???? Should I have listened to them instead of jumping in???

Crikey I feel pants now....


04-11-09, 16:56
yes maybe you should i thin she was thinking long time since you had tests so being your new doctor was going to see if she could help but you were anxious she will have understood

08-11-09, 21:06
OK. I have had a bad day today. All I have thought about is Heart attacks. I mean because I spoke up to my Doc I feel terrible and feel may be I should have a ECG (Again). I have now started having symptoms and aches and pains down my left arm. I have to say I feel this has only started because of my visit to the docs. Its strange but all day I have been thinking about all the sensations in my chest and any aches or pains I feel in my Left arm. At tea time my left fingers went cold and at one point they had pins and needles. Strange how a situation at the new doctors caused me to lose so much sleep and put my life on hold.
