View Full Version : Any one else get similar symptoms?

04-11-09, 22:33
Hi I'm 17, I have only recently being diagnosed with anxiety by my GP but I think I have always been anxious since I realized one day I will die :weep: not the happiest statement lol and since I thought I had swollen lymph nodes 2 years ago which I only found out a few weeks ago aren't even nodes and are normal (probably incubated my anxiety). But I can't stop thinking about death which makes me more fearful of death and I have a fear of reporting symptoms to anyone for fear I have a major illness and will die soon.

Recently I started to question the point of life, and I have lost motivation to work in my a-levels and I have low self esteem, sometimes I can't be bothered getting up. I have thought about suicide but I don't want to die which stops me from doing anything silly.

My current symptoms (things I notice) are:

Infrequent Random pulsing twitching type feeling around my knee and other areas.
Need to urinate shortly after drinking. I sometimes feel like I need the toilet even though I have just been but can't actually wee or poo.
I can eat but I sometimes don't think I'm hungry or lose my appetite when eating (but im not sure if its just me thinking about it) but I can still force myself to eat something so I think it might be psychological.
I perceive myself to shake, I notice it when my hands are outstretched, sometimes when typing and I feel shaky when standing upright (i slouch and look down a lot so it could be posture related?).
My legs get itchy and feel slightly numb when standing still for a while.
Legs feel tired when walking upstairs + heartbeat increases (I do go 2 at a time)
I get heartburn every other week sometimes its more frequent and sometimes I notice it when waking up. Sometimes my ears feel itchy or like there burning when I get this.
My ears feel weird sometimes, like there wet inside or there's something in them?
My neck feels tight and behind my ears like just where my neck meets my skull I get aches and really slight pain.
My joints click when I move sometimes but some of my friends can pop there neck or fingers every day.
Sometimes when I move my head, the back of my neck feels as if it shudders slightly. But my head does lean forward from my body a bit, I don't stand up straight like I said and I don't sit up straight either so maybe this is tension and stuff related to posture?
I sometimes get a random jerk but its more noticeable if I realize I've done it
e.g I notice it and them it happens again more because I'm trying to detect it.
My stomach feels bloated sometimes but if i stand upright it kind of feels relieved but i sometimes feel like there's a pocket of air just below my belly button or something below it.
I get head rushes but I feel as if I can feel the blood pumping in my nose when it happens.
I just generally feel weird sometimes, but this might be because I'm looking out for things and I don't Know what's a normal general feeling.
The top of my head feels weird and the top of my mouth near the tonsil/nose area and a bit feels irritated sometimes and the inside of my nose feels slightly swollen and I think this makes my eyes feel strained sometimes and the top of my head feeling weird could be related to my nose and I am just not sure where the feeling is coming from. I also feel light headed a lot but I'm not sure if its just because I'm aware of everything.
I can feel my heartbeat a lot but Im not sure if its all the time or when i over think things.
post nasal drip
sometimes my arms and upper body (Shoulders and back of head) ache
my Fingers feel weird, like stiff sometimes.
My chest feels tight sometimes.
I find it difficult to sleep, It takes me at least 2 hours each night from when I actually get in bed.
my eyes sometimes water.
My vision is fine but I get negative after-images of things easily. I can see it more when I look at white, or light surfaces and when I'm in small rooms and
confined areas, its less frequent when outside and i get visual snow but it might be blue field entoptic phenomenon.
I get phlegm ( or think I do) after drinking say cola or lemonade and other syrupy or thick type drinks.
I cannot sit or stand still.
I get a buzzing feeling in my nose and lips as well.

The weird feeling in my head and nose, ear type stuff lasts 24/7 but not when I lie down for bed. It starts again as soon as i get up in the morning but sometimes when I'm involved in something I forget about it.

sorry about the long post.
It would be reassuring if I found out others had the same symptoms I do.

My doctor said I can have six months of beta blockers and anti-depressants or CBT. I have opted for CBT at the moment as I am not sure I want to start medication as I think I can get addicted to things easily.

08-11-09, 00:13
Hi, I can tell what the problem is without even having to go through that list. You are anxious and a sensitive person, and it seems as though your major problem is health anxiety caused by an underlying fear of death.

Your thoughts of suicide are due to feeling like you are overwhelmed or that you're always going to be in the same situation. They are probably also linked into your fear of death -- maybe your imagination's way of exploring a topic that you feel is taboo. Either way, in your case suicidal thoughts are NOT a sign of impending doom, they are simply a normal reaction and your way of finding an easy escape from the problems you face.

Your body is a living machine. It is constantly working and grumbling away to itself. You are interpreting everything you feel as being bad, when in fact it means that your body is working normally and you are in perfect health.

A lot of the stuff you talk about is normal; if you stand still, your legs will ache. If you put fluids into your body, your body will eventually need to get rid of them.

Counselling will probably be of great benefit to you so please ask your doctor about this.

I will also recommend my usual standard treatments: hypnotherapy to overcome your fear of death and then your health anxiety; self-help and relaxtion mp3s to listen to at night when you're trying to sleep; and a daily dose of the inositol supplement as this may help you sleep and could make a great deal of difference to your anxiety.

08-11-09, 00:43
Hi Benc

I agree with psycho poet, it seems you are a sensitive person and suffering from anxiety.

I had the same fear as you about death when I was in my late teens early twenties, this did pass and I have never suffered with this fear since. I am sure this will pass with you as well. I think because death can be such a taboo subject it can seem difficult to really discuss this fear with others.

CBT is an excellent therapy, it helped me immensely. I think you are probably right to try this route first but if your GP decides in the future you need antidepressants or beta blockers then don't be too concerned by this. I have taken both and benefited from them greatly.
Both antidepressants and beta blockers are not addictive, when coming off of antidepressants you need to do so very slowly, cutting down the dose gradually, as you may get some withdrawal symtoms if you just stop them, your GP would advise you on this.

Try to keep positive, i am sure life will get better for you, teen years can be a difficult time....trust me I know!!

Take care

Sue xxx :bighug1: