View Full Version : Feels like food is stuck in my chest!!??

04-11-09, 23:05
well ive had quite a nasty cold now for a week and a half, the cough i have is horrible, im thinking i may have a slight chest infection, so im ringing the docs in the morning for an appointment.
But my problem tonight is.... i had my dinner at 7.30 (as usual) after i finished it felt like not all the food had gone down and that alot of it was stuck in my chest area, i have never experiaced this feeling before, it still feels full now, but i have no pain just some slight discomfort.
But as my back and chest is already quite tender from coughing etc, im starting to feel quite anxious that the food feeling stuck and the tenderness in my back might be related to something else more sinister!!
So i was wondering if anybody has experianced this before? Is it something i should be worrying about? I will mention it to the doc tomorrow anyway for peace of mind, but in the meantime i was hoping somebody might be able to help??
Thank you for reading,

Debs x

04-11-09, 23:13
Sounds like indigestion to me.

I get that feeling too.

04-11-09, 23:29
Thanks Nicola, i did wonder if it was that, believe it or not ive never suffered indigestion so i havent a clue what it would feel like!!! Thanks again for replying.

Debs x

04-11-09, 23:31
It feels really uncomfortable and does sit on your chest for a while.

I find milk or peppermint helps it for me