View Full Version : Tinnitus

04-11-09, 23:56
Does anyone have tinnitus associated with anxiety or medication?

A few weeks after starting on mirtazapine I started with a ringing in my ears and had significant hearing loss. I don't know if the mirt is responsible, but in the past couple of months I've had my ears syringed and been prescribed a course of decongestants, ear-drops and two courses of antibiotics. The ringing is as bad as ever, as is the deafness, so I've ruled out wax, infection and congestion.

It's only recently occured to me that it might have something to do with the mirtazapine.


05-11-09, 15:44
Hi .. from my limited knowledge of anxiety , tinnitus can happen due to this or it can contribute to it ... I developed tinnitus in my left ear after suffering a big panic attack, my advice though is to have it checked out cus you may have a ear infection (nothing serious) and yes some meds do list ringing in your ears as a side effect..hope this has helped



05-11-09, 17:07
Thanks Moggy.

Well, the GP admits he hasn't a clue. I have an appointment with an ENT specialist on the 18th, but I'm more-or-less housebound until then. Not being able to hear ambient noise has made me extremely anxious outside.

05-11-09, 18:07
Well when I had the panic attack and left with the tinnitus, I was frantic and left me with a great deal of anxiety, which now is subsided and feeling a lot better, however i aggrivated my anxiety with having numerous apps with dr google lol... I have seen 2 ents and 4 docs , had ecgs and blood test and they cant find anything wrong with me , so i will have to place my trust in them and believe what they tell me , if they thought it was life threating they would of conducted further tests I would of imagined .



05-11-09, 22:03
Hi, I also have tinnitus which I think is caused by my medication (seroxat) and my doctor tends to agree.

I've seen an ENT specialist, had a hearing test etc and all seems to be fine. I just have to put up with the ringing/popping it seems - unless I can manage to come off seroxat ... haha, we all know how easy that is!!

I do find a bit of background noise when going to sleep really helpful - dont think i'd ever sleep otherwise lol

05-11-09, 22:11
I had tinnitus a few years ago when I was very anxious. It affected me mostly when I went to bed or I would waken with it during the night - I used to think it sounded like an alarm in the distance! Maybe using an mp3 player might mask it for a while? It should go eventually.