View Full Version : Is there really something wrong with us?

05-11-09, 03:12
The world is a terrible place. It's sad, and it's frightening. War, terror, disease, genocide, corruption, and it shows no signs of ever improving. It's inescapable, and no cutesy, uplifting proverb, no upbeat, cheerful song, no prayers or hymns are ever going to make it better. The world is stuck like this, and has been for thousands of years, it's as plain and simple as that. However depressing and unpleasant it is for you to be forced to acknowledge these facts is irrelevant. To refuse to acknowledge it is simply denial of the obvious, it is to hide, like a coward. It's the truth, and you're stuck with it whether you like it or not.

And yet... they tell us there's something wrong with us. We are saddened and frightened by a sad and frightening world, and there's something wrong with us? It seems to me like we're the ones that have got it right! These so called 'normal' people go about their lives with a smile on their face, with beer in their belly, with a woman on their arm, and yes, while that all looks well and good, and it seems like something to hope and strive for, I can't help but notice that it just doesn't make any damn sense! The clothes they wear are made by the exhausted hands of a miserable slave child. The food they eat is the result of the torment of billions of innocent animals. The sports they watch and the useless crap they buy is all money that could have easily fed, sheltered, healed and educated millions of desperate people! Their pollution tears our planet apart, their laughter and joy is the inevitable result of another's pain, their crimes drag the world further into the pit and rob us from any chance of recovering, and, perhaps worst of all, their ignorance and refusal to remove themselves from their comfortable little shells mean such things are never likely to stop.

I'm making it sound worse than it really is? Am I? Surely, your neighbor, your good friend, the postman or your local shopkeeper can't possible be all that bad? Of course not, one drop of poison is not enough to kill. But add it all together and eventually you will start to see the decay.

But Atlas, what about the cops and the doctors and the soldiers that take the time out of their lives to save the world?

The cops that rob a man of a decade of his life for the crime of smoking a plant in the privacy of his own home. The cops who fine a mother of four hundreds of dollars for the sin of parking her car in the wrong place. The cops who routinely frame, beat and murder people for their own gain and amusement. The cops who spy on us, harass us, threaten us, and force us to conform to confusing, unnecessary laws. The cops who throw gas and shoot electricity and those who would peacefully protest the worlds ills. You don't know what I'm talking about? Try reading the internet that your using right now and see for yourself what's really happening in the world, what our precious governments and lawmakers are trying to do behind our backs. The cops are like cancer - sometimes cancer will actually kill someone that deserves it, hurray! But most of the time it doesn't.

Doctors? What was the last disease they cured, huh? Polio? How long ago was that now? (FYI, people still die of polio to this day). Sure, doctors are for the most part decent people, but the system within which they operate, the pharmaceutical companies, the rotten, flawed healthcare, the poisoned vaccines, is far from just and noble. You can't sell medicine to healthy people now can you...? $$$

The soldiers, the deranged killers who murdered one million innocent civilians, read, civilians, who have probably never even heard of Manhattan, in our latest phony war. Our heroes who routinely rape and torture innocent people, who consistently show classic signs of outright psychopathy, and all in the name of avenging the deaths of three thousand people who died on 9/11. You know, those three thousand people who were killed because 'they don't like us'? Or, excuse me, was it to find those weapons of mass destruction that don't exist?

Now, you may have been reading all this with confusion thus far. What the hell am I talking about? If you don't know, it's up to you to find out if you want to. All I've stated is proven fact. No controversy, no misinterpreting or exaggerating. The proof is out there on the net and elsewhere and it is not particularly difficult to find. It is neither my duty or inclination to attempt to prove things to people with closed minds, and if your mind is open, you will have no issue seeking the answers for yourself.

The world is a dung heap, or, perhaps more accurately, the human race is a dung heap. Well, after all, the world is just a spinning rock, it doesn't willingly commit evil. And while there might be a few decent people here or there the fact is is that they are far from enough to make the world a better place. Ultimately most people never even move any more than the six feet of dirt it takes to eventually bury them in their lifetimes. They have no desire to try and heal the world because it is uncomfortable for them to have to look at the children that are daily kidnapped and dismembered so that their body parts can be sold on the black market, or at the thousands of homeless people that are literally right in front of them on the streets that they walk.

My point here is this. Maybe we're not the ones that are ill. We are essentially experiencing the appropriate emotions you would expect when considering such atrocities. They are they ones going about their lives under the delusion that everything is A-OK. If someone witnessed a man burn a puppy to death (a sport that has become rather popular amongst certain young people these days), you would rightly expect that witness to be appalled. Well, show them the starving African babies or the poverty stricken people who die of diarrhea - yes, people actually die from it - and suddenly it's all rainbows and daisies.

"We are saddened and frightened by a sad and frightening world." That's normal. You watch a scary movie and the hairs on the back of your neck rise. You watch Titanic and, unless your a heartless SOB, you cry. Or maybe just one single, manly tear. Whatever suits you. All normal. Maybe there isn't something wrong with us. Maybe there's something wrong with them.

Think about it. Why are you depressed? Chemicals in your brain they say. Well, I'm no neuro-scientist, and neither are you, but seriously, have you ever really felt like that was the actual reason? Just because taking mind altering SSRI drugs makes you feel better does not in any way mean that chemicals are the root cause of your problems - just because a drunken man is happier than a sober one does not make it better to be drunk. Are they really correcting an imbalance in our minds or are the really only serving to mask the perfectly natural, normal pain inside us?

Consider your own personal life. I'd wager that it's not too bad. Let's temporarily erase your mental issues for a moment and start with a blank slate. You live in a country that has lots of food, water, electricity. You have a bed and a roof over it. You have a functioning body. Maybe your healthy, maybe your not, but you can walk, talk, do whatever it is that humans do. You've never been tortured or oppressed or suffered terribly as others certainly have. I am assuming all this because this is the status quo for us Westerners at this current time. All in all, life is not too bad. Your life, that is.

Maybe what you feel is not the result of chemicals or genes gone awry. Maybe it's as simple as an innate awareness of the suffering and injustice going on around you. I suggest this idea based on the rather simple fact that whenever I think about such horrible things, I feel bad, and whenever I think of making these things better, I feel good. It makes sense to me. It doesn't matter if these terrible things are happening on the other side of the world. Justice, freedom, happiness and peace are universal concepts and surely any sane person would demand them for all the peoples of the world as a part of their unquestionable human rights. What authority do these psychiatrists and psychologists really have on the inner workings of your own mind? Everybody, even the 'professionals', once believed that the Earth revolved around the sun, and they were proven wrong. Well, maybe, just maybe, our worlds don't revolve around chemicals.

Maybe, just maybe, you're not ill. Maybe you have a gift. The ability to see the world for what it really is instead of being just another mindless, ignorant, delusional drone. Maybe your mind is in a unique position to truly affect a positive change in the world. Maybe it's God, or fate, or maybe it's just plain old chance that you are different from anyone else. Believe what you want. And maybe the reason you shut yourself away, or feel sick around people, or fear for your safety, or feel so powerless and depressed, is because you just haven't realized yet how to fully utilize it.

Or maybe I'm just talking a load of crap. It's up to you.

It's your mind. Doesn't it seem a little odd to be told that you can't control your own mind?

05-11-09, 09:17
Much of what you say rings very true with me but none of us are innocent. You yourself are at this moment typing on a computer, an expensive item that will have a carbon footprint. This isnt critizising you, its just the reality of all of our situations. We alone cannot do anything.. the governments of the World need to force change so that we can all give a little 'or a lot' to help a little 'or a lot'.

Yes there are most definately bad elements within the police, armys etc etc but many of these men are doing the best they can, helping as best they can. None of us are perfect and none of us are Saints. We all struggle through the journey that is life putting one step in front of the other and many of us desperately want to do what's right.

We may not be able to personally stop war, to save the life of a starving child or undo the wrongs that leaders around the World do but what we can do is smile at a stranger, give somebody a helping hand and appreciate the things around us that have been here always, the trees, the birds, the sunshine.

It maybe being a coward or maybe it's being brave... living in a scary World and choosing to see the beauty where we can find it.

Your thread was really intelligent and interesting... thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.. All the best

Mand x

05-11-09, 10:12

I agree with you on a lot of your points.The problem is there is no way we are going to ever change as a race.Individuals can be good or bad but change must start with the WANT to change.And too few people who cause suffering and grief want to change.This is because they have a strong belief that their actions are RIGHT and just.

I disagree with you about the police.You get your bad apples in any section of the community but 99% want to make a difference for the better.I speak from a personal perspective as my partner is a police officer and its so hard to have to watch her put on a stab vest and go out at ten at night to deal with god knows what.She is a good person and wants to make a change for the better no matter how small.

One of the fundamental reasons this planet is in the state it is is because we judge each other and your post is very judgemental.

We all know how it feels to be judged.We need to start making changes to ourselves long before we try to change the world.