View Full Version : Feel no support from work

05-11-09, 08:57

I'm currently off work suffering with depression and anxiety. Feel pretty low today cos work are putting me on half pay (and I only work part time anyway). So I will basically be getting next to nothing this month, which is great at this time of year - not. Been awake all night worrying.

The problem is because I had a major back operation in Nov last year and now I'm off sick with depression, basically I've gone over the 6 months sick pay criteria. I put in a letter of appeal and after 4 weeks was told yesterday that I did not come under the exceptional circumstances criteria and that they will not keep me on my full pay. This is despite being signed off by my GP - seems to count for nothing. I'm feeling really sorry for myself because I had the back problem for over 10 years, had the operation done (which was quite traumatic - it was a spinal fusion) and it was a success. But now I feel I'm being penalised for it. I have been in my job 15 years and work were well aware I needed the op.
Hence feel pretty low today. Has anyone else had a similar experience?:weep:

05-11-09, 13:37
Re. my earlier post - has anyone else had a lack of support from work?

06-11-09, 10:02
all i got when i was off was 1 week full pay and 1 week half pay and they were ringing me to find out where things were and how to do things

06-11-09, 10:04
Hi Pinkrose... if you are finding it hard to manage contact your Citizens Advice Bureau if you are in UK... they may be able to point you in the right direction to collecting some extra government help while you are on half pay.

Try not to worry too much.. this will sort itself out.

mand x

06-11-09, 10:09
yep it is really difficult I'm currently on SSP and what with christmas and bills to worry about it is very difficult to do the giving yourself time to get better thing. I will have to apply for benefits as will be unable to pay my rent or council tax, it just feels sometimes when you are at your lowest that no one comes forwards to help... Got in my head now tough whatever happens happens... otherwise I will take another bad turn x

06-11-09, 12:27
Thanks for your comments everyone. It's frustrating cos I want to be back at work, but just feel so bad. I'm sure you all feel the same x