View Full Version : Panicking due to doctor visit

05-11-09, 10:06
Hi everyone., i am sat here shaking because today i have to go see my gp , about health issues which im fine with but the whole experience of going to surgery is a nightmare. Usually the doctors are running late, but we have to sign in 10 mins before appointment then after that bit i panic. i got emetaphobia so as i stand and wait for doc to call me, i get butterflies then start to breath deep and then fill sick and then i manage to calm down a bit til she calls me then i have to walk past lots of people and go dow a corridor to her room and i always go light headed and feel ill as i walk past them all feel they are staring and think what if i am sick what will i do. sounds all daft i know but i dread going and continuously feel light headed and sick on way there and before i go anyone give me some advise how to deal with this please:unsure:

05-11-09, 11:22
I dont know if this works for you but i hunt out the toilet when I get there so I know where it is and so if i start to feel awful I can lock myself in there until I feel better without anybody seeing me or knowing anything is wrong. Cold water is a charm for panic and anxiety. I hope this helps a little bit..it works wonders for me x

05-11-09, 15:03
I too, have waited outside in the past and the receptionists are usually understanding. Deep, calm breathing is good and I too take a bottle of water to sip. It doesn't sound daft at all ...many of us feel like this. You will get through it ...Best of luck and thinking of you Xx:hugs:

05-11-09, 16:13

Please don't think you are alone feeling like this. I know lots of people who say when they go to the surgery they start feeling nervous! I think it's a sort of instinct some of us have. When you are anxious the wait can be intolerable. If it feels better to wait outside then I'm sure if you explained this to the receptionist they'd give you a shout when it's your turn. Hope you get on okay.
Myra :)

05-11-09, 23:53
Icy - please reply to my PM

06-11-09, 01:21
i am in agreement although i take diazepam for a nervous situation it still doesn't make you feel better about it i always check in and wait outside with my partner and get called in they see different people every day so don't worry about asking them. and also a bottle of water brilliant an ambulance was called for me and he got me a drink made me drink it and you can not drink and breath at the same time so this helps to calm down the physical effects of panic the dizziness and sickness x good luck x