View Full Version : Not Sleeping - too tired today!

05-11-09, 10:49

I haven't slept properly in months but the last month has been a nightmare. I get off to sleep fine but am awake by 3.30 if not earlier and though I doze a bit after that I don't sleep. Last night it was 1.30, I finally got to sleep at 6.00 but was awake at 7.00 with the kids. Most days I manage but today I have the shakes and feel sick and am finding it impossible to concentrate at work. I feel like a zombie and very tearful.

Any tips or ideas. I have a relaxtion/hyponotherapy CD on order but can't see how this will help me sleep longer.

Please help!!

05-11-09, 12:54
i am also having the same problems, last night i had my headphones on whilst listening to a hypnosis cd that was made personally for me, i did fall of to sleep after about 5 minutes into the cd but i woke up about 20 minutes later in a bit of a anxious state with the cd still playing.
the rest of the night i found hard to get back of to sleep and ended up getting about 3 hours sleep coz i had to go for a job interview at 11.00 am today.

08-11-09, 21:53

I empathise with you as I did wake every morning at 4.30 ish and its getting me mad. I do not jump up or hear anything. I feel calm when I wake but soon after I start to feel agitated and have to get up. I did see a great programme on sleep disorders and the best way to cure it is to force sleep deprivation by limiting the time you can sleep. Try sleeping only 2 hours a night. Force yourself to go to bed at 2am and wake at 4am for a week and then you should find you will sleep through.
