View Full Version : please somebody answer me today..

05-11-09, 11:36
hello.. I am so upset.. I am on one propanolol a day and one Amitriptyline (http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A1f4cffntvJKY3gBg.tLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNGxmazk 4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkAw--/SIG=127vgaf0d/EXP=1257506919/**http%3a//www.netdoctor.co.uk/medicines/100000107.html) at night.

I have been taking both for about two weeks now for the fluttering nervous feeling in my chest.

I originally went to A&E during the night with pain and they did a ECG and said all was fine. I told her that recently I had been getting these feelings and she said the pain was more than likely anxiety also.

a few days later i went to the doctors because my clevage hurt to touch. She told me my sternum was inflamed.. I forget the word she game me now.

So.. I have been taking my tablets and some days.. i have had no flutterings.. no heart beatings.. and then some days its really there.. like today. Yesterday I was fine.. and the day before.. and now today.. I can feel my heart pounding.. that awful nervous feeling./... I climb the stairs and i am out of breath. I am begining to worry that its my heart.. could I have heart failure?? the only test for my heart I have had done is an ecg at the hospital.

05-11-09, 11:43
I have been experiencing the same as you and my gp has said it is anxiety its not a nice feeling is it, try to tay calm as it does pass. Do deep breathing i find it aleviates its a little.

05-11-09, 14:57
Sorry you are having a difficult time of it at present. I also am on Propanalol and Amitriptyline for anxiety and ectopic beats(flutterings). Believe me if the ECG is OK then your heart is fine. The pain in your sternum could be costochondritis.... I suffer from this also and if you search on here there are some posts about it which may help. As the other posts say relaxation and calm breathing helps and listen to some meditation tapes maybe. Feel free to pm me if you need to talk. XXXX:hugs:

05-11-09, 15:25
mmac... thankyou so much for replying. That is what the doctor told me I had costochondritis. She didnt tell me much about it though so I have done most of my research on the web which.. leads to reading other things.

You say suffer from it?? is this something that will not go away? I only feel it in my sternum if I press on it.

I guess I am just so disappointed that this fluttering is back today when I have had two great days. I honestly thought the tablets were working. I will get some meditation tapes thankyou. I dont feel i have a reason to have anxiety and I think thats why I am questioning all the time if it is that or something else. Thankyou for your offer of pm you.. I will keep that in mind.xx

sarah jayne
05-11-09, 15:56
I have costrichondritis, ive had it for 2 and a half years, but was only told i had it last month. Ive been to hospital many times with it and had ecgs which have been fine. The symptoms that you can get from it can mimic a heart attack but one thing that puts my mind at rest is that if your chest is sore to touch then its definately not your heart or any other major organ as they are covered by your ribs. I had an injection in my sternum on saturday but it hasnt helped as yet... the docors put me on naproxen twice a day to see if it helps with the pain. Im also on 25 mg amitryptiline at night. If you ever need a chat then pm me.
Sarah xxx

05-11-09, 16:25
i've just been diagnosed with costrichondritis but when i get it its not sore to the touch it feels more like its on the inside of my ribs than on the outside so maybe its not that ?????