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View Full Version : Hello... and things going well

05-11-09, 12:39
Hi all,

Firstly I want to say what a fantastic site this is and to tell you a bit about me...

I had been suffering from panic attacks that were triggered by a series of circumstances. Giving evidence at a court case, a miscarriage and a bullying boss over a period of 4 years.

I had been on Citalopram after trying CBT. I felt there was such a stigma surrounding Mental Health problems and anti-depressants, it delayed me getting help. Once I realised it was for my own good I never looked back. I felt I had control of my life and it made me a more well rounded and empathic person towards those in similar situations.

I recently came off Citalopram after discovering I was pregnant again, reducing the dosage and then cold turkey. I lost the baby - unrelated to medication - however I am looking to the future and have amazing support from partner, family and friends. Without CBT and changing my thought process I would have been in a very dark place right now.

My partner and I had split on quite a few occassions partly due to him being unable to cope with who I had became and a lack of understanding. We are now stronger than ever and looking to a future together with a football team of children!

I am suffering from head whoosh side-effects but they are decreasing and should be over soon, I hope!

I just want to say good luck to you all and don't give up hope. I thought I would never get better and here I am, better and although I am so sad at our loss, I know I will get through this.

L x

05-11-09, 14:56
I am so sorry that you lost your baby. How awful for you.

You have an amazing positive attitude and I'm so pleased you are getting better. It's always such an inspiration to those of us still suffering to hear from people who have recovered. It gives us hope that one day we can be too.
Thank you so much for sharing your story.

05-11-09, 15:19
Great to hear a success story

best wishes

07-11-09, 12:16
I am so pleased for you and you give inspiration to all of us. I am sorry for your loss having lost a baby myself 10 years ago. However, I had a little boy the following year and went on to have a girl 2 years later. Life has it's own agenda and I feel it will work out well for you in the future.

I feel that I am improving and am almost back to myself at work but still feel a little anxious at the weekend at home when I should be relaxed - did that ever happen to you on your recovery and how did you deal with it.

Any advice on how to cope with the low moments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and well done


09-11-09, 11:53
Thank you for your lovely comments.

I still have ups and downs, particularly now but it's normal and remembering that always helps me.

Chantelle - thank you, your comment really gives me hope. I work in an intensive environment with the public and found it much easier to 'put a face on' with strangers than at home with my family. I forced myself, and still do at times, to get ready and go out. This weekend I was feeling low so I went a wee jaunt to the shops. Felt much better! I have discovered I love puzzle books and find it therapeutic. Find things you enjoy doing. It sounds so obvious, but it is true. I would drink too much at the weekend and that would knock me backwards. I have reduced my intake and plan to continue that x