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View Full Version : So worried - Neck Lumps

05-11-09, 13:37
Hi there, I was wondering if somebody had ever had similar problems to me. I think I have suffered from health anxiety for a few years now ie I always think I have got cancer, or heart problems or anything really. I am terrified. Anway, a few months ago I felt a really small lump on my neck, it felt soft at first and I could pinch it under my skin and it felt like a hardish sort of pea and I could move it around.

I went to the docs and the doctor I saw couldn't even feel it!! I was so embarrassed and totally forgot about it, until a few weeks ago. I kept on pressing it and convinced myself it had got bigger. Went to the docs again and saw a different doctor who said it was a gland and it felt normal and to stop poking it as it would make it worse. He said something else though that has got me worried. He said he would only be concerned if he felt multiple glands. What did he mean by this?? I felt another one the other day and have been convincing myself it is something serious. I have ringing in my ear and my ear feels like it is blocked along with my nose. Do I have lymphoma?? Do I have some sort of head or neck cancer??

I have got the docs again this afternoon to get it checked again!! I am going to ask for some sort of blood test or something but I am so so scared. I have got a little girl and a wonderful boyfriend, I m scared of bad things happening to me.

Please help!

05-11-09, 13:52
Please stop worrying your neck contains lymph glands and thats all you can feel .You do not have cancer .Sometimes the glands swell slightly ,this is perfectly normal as they fight infections ...You do seem to suffer with H A ,and it would be beneficial for you to ask for help with this , when you go to your Dr .Maybe some CBT would help you .or some councelling ,Getting to the root cause of why you are so worried about your health ,may help you get things into perspective . Take care and all the best Sue :hugs:

05-11-09, 13:57
Thank you so much for replying as I was really nervous about using the site! I did try and convince myself that there is nothing wrong with me but the more I read into things the more convinced I am something bad is inside me.

I did see a psychologist once before but had to stop going due to work pressures. It is def something I need to bring up with my doctor again as it is starting to affect my work and family life now.

I do suffer from allergies and have felt a bit run down this year due to working a lot so hopefully that is all it is.

Many thanks again and take care.

05-11-09, 14:09
Hello :)

It is actually very normal to feel pea sized lumps in your neck these are called lymph nodes, even when they are not enlarged they can be felt they are not usually considered enlarged when they are pea sized.

I have lots, i have many pea sized ones that i can feel and a grape sized one under my jaw, my doctor said they are nothing to worry about.

My mum has some she can feel so does my boyfriend, there is a good thread about this actually there was a survey about it and i think about 80% of people could feel theirs in their neck.

Its really nothing to worry about :) xx

05-11-09, 14:26
I was told that as long as they are less than 1 cm and movable, the lymph nodes are not suspicious.
Once I freaked out about a soft one that was larger than 1 cm on my neck, but I was told that what I feel is part of my normal-sized thyroid gland :blush:

05-11-09, 14:38
Thanks for the comments, I will look at the thread. I think a lot of my worries just need reassurance. I just wish they would go away and one day I wont have to worry about things anymore!:flowers:

05-11-09, 14:54
Hi Krissy : )

Agree with all of the above....without these little glands we wouldnt be able to fight infections like sore throats and colds.... we all have these lumps its just sometimes they are easier to feel than other times.

Enjoy your little one

Mand x

05-11-09, 18:00
I too worry about lumps in my neck. The glands in my neck have been up for months now but have never mentioned it to my Dr. I had a full blood test done a while back and if it was cancer I think it would have shown something up.

05-11-09, 19:22
I too have (3) small lumps in the side of my neck, have been aware of them since June. Have been to my G.P's on several occassions and seen 3 different G.P's who all confirm they are normal little glands that i can feel. I do worry about them and touch them alot which makes my neck tender and ache.

06-11-09, 09:03
Well I saw a different doc yesterday for the 3rd time about the neck lumps and for the first time I actually came out of the doctors feeling almost 100% certain that there is nothing wrong with me. It is so refreshing to have a doctor explain things to you properly in a way that is not only reassuring but that you can understand.

He explained all about lymph nodes, their function, how some people can feel them and what to look out for if there is a rogue one that would arose suspicion.

Apparently, normal lymph nodes are difficult to palpate (like the ones I have been feeling, I have only been feeling them because I have found them and are now aware of where they are), feel pea like size and are generally around 1 - 2 cm. If there was something wrong you would be able to feel them much more easily and they would probably look enlarged as well. He also mentioned that if you pinch the skin that you are bringing deep tissue to the surface which is where these lymph nodes are that is why I can feel them easier.

I hope this post helps anyone else that has been having any problems like this.

I have to keep thinking that positive thoughts are the only way that health anxiety will go away.

Take care everybody xxx :)

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 09:55
My 14 yr old sons got 3, he's had them for years now. The doctor did a blood test & it showed nothing. He's just been told to leave them alone, but he doesn't, he fiddles with the things all the time!! lol :mad:
I think they have put his down to his teenage spots, his bodies self defense thing, so I expect when he's older they will go. They did give him a lotion, but it didn't work. And he has a fear of swallowing pills so he cant try the acne pills, which would probably work. He can live with them it seems, isn't bothered, so I dont interfere x
edit: thats lotion for the spots not the lumps lol

06-11-09, 11:38
i would not worry one bit about your sons glands, as i can tell you i have exactly the same thing now. Im 17 and have had acne for around 4 years (starting to get better), and my glands on my neck and surrounding area has been up as a result for a long time. Absoloutly nothing to worry about, this is as you said the bodies defences against the problem.

take care