View Full Version : Numb leg, pins and needles

05-11-09, 15:25
I have posted about this before so sorry to go on again but it's really off putting for me. Can anyone please offer some advice or experiences with the following.

My left leg and foot are feeling numb, especially down the back, like pins and needles. It is worse when I walk and at night. It feels better in the morning.

So along with my worries about a brain tumour, and other symptoms, I feel like this is something really worrying. I would be so, so, so grateful for your thoughts advice and reassurance. I am now thinking it is in my left hand too, very scary.

Thank you ever so much in advance.

05-11-09, 15:30
If it's legs only I imagine it is a trapped nerve or even muscle strain.

I get it in my face, scalp, arms, legs, fingers and it is accompanied by blurred vision, it's scary.

If you hyerventilate you can get this symptom.

05-11-09, 17:10
I don't know if it's an anxiety symptom or real anymore. I've no idea whether I am feeling things because I am anxious or because they are really happening which is sending me a bit crazy. Thing is, it still happens when i'm not feeling too anxious.

05-11-09, 17:24
Just sounds like a trapped nerve, I get it alot because I sit/lie weird. Brain tumours are usually coupled with a heck of a lot of pain and deterioration of speech, sight, coordination and numbness down the FULL SIDE of the body. It just sounds like a trapped nerve or something you've done from being in an odd position. You're absolutely fine.

05-11-09, 17:40
Oh great and now I'm getting horrible throbbing and shooting pain in the same place in my head again. Were supposed to be having a family get together and fireworks but I'm a mess again. I just feel like crying, why won't it all just go away - I'm really going mad. I'm do convinced it's a brain tumour, even though some symptoms have got better. I'm sick of living like this