View Full Version : Freaking...

05-11-09, 16:23
Can someone help? I have been getting various pains in my chest some right under left breast where the ribs are, and then in top of chest closer to the collar bone. I have always had left side chest pain with shoulder and arm and into elbow and hand, now right side is painful and its in my right arm also along with the left. I had echocardiogram, ekg and stress test in june and everything was fine, but i keep thinking its heart related...if i had those tests 5 months ago, could something change that quick? Also back bothering me and jaw and front of neck and then i feel like I spin outta control for a couple minutes like I am freaking out and then it goes away, keep thinking I am dying, is that a panic attack or is something else going on? I haven't had panic in a long time and they were never that bad, can someone help?

05-11-09, 16:30
The only way you'll be reassured is to go back to the doctor again. It sounds as though it could still be anxiety symptoms though and the fact you had tests a few months ago which were negative sounds as though it was probably stress. This can mimic heart pain. Could also be indigestion, but we always think the worst, don't we!! I'd take heart in the fact that my previous tests were normal.

05-11-09, 16:42
might be best to contat docter again