View Full Version : side effects from moving up a dose?

05-11-09, 17:01
On Tuesday, I moved up from 15mg to 20mg.
I'd been on 15mg for 3 weeks, during which I'd had some really good days and others where the anxiety had been rumbling.

Since upping the dose, I've had 3 days of anxiety - not awful, but fairly persistent. I haven't really felt relaxed until about 5pm each day. I've also been incredibly sleepy in the middle of the day, despite sleeping well at night.

I'm pretty sure the tiredness is from the increase (I take the pill in the morning), although I didn't notice it when I went up from 10 to 15 mg. But is the increased anxiety also just a side effect? Can I expect it to go away?

Overall, I am better than when I first started on the Cit, but the anxious days are disappointing.
I'm doing everything I can to help myself - I've read Claire Weekes' book and am trying to put into practise what she says.

The only thing I haven't tried is Inositol, which is next on the list.:)

05-11-09, 17:02
I forgot to mention - I guess some of the anxiety could be from getting my period. Something similar happened last month, although it only really bothered me for a day and night.

Lion King
05-11-09, 20:39
Hi Chickpea,

Stick with it, it does get better in time just be patient and learn to relax.

Take Care

LK x

08-11-09, 19:56
Thanks LK.

I've been so sleepy since upping the dose, which I actually don't mind - except napping in the day is making me wake earlier than I'd like in the morning.

I'm getting anxiety on and off all through the day at the moment - nothing too awful but not nice, all the same.

I'm due to see my GP this week and then have a mental health team assessment next week,so I'll see what they say.:)

09-11-09, 12:38
Hi there,
I started on 10mg for a week and upped to 20mg yesterday. I started on 10 because I found 20 was pretty intolerable - I was shaking and feeling really unreal on that dose.
I'm finding I have a new kind of restless, weird anxiety, and am yawning pretty much constantly.
I wonder if I've upped too quickly and will probably go back to the 10mg for the rest of this week and then up the dose.
Good luck with it, it certainly sounds like the up in dose is having an effect on you, I guess all we can do is sit it out and wait for things to settle, which should only take a few days.