View Full Version : Help Please

05-11-09, 17:48
Hi, I am a 26 year old male who I believe is physically fit.

For the past 6 weeks I have been experiencing mild pains which are noew turning in to little sharp pains in my abdomen, more down on the bottom left and sometimes right. Along with these symptoms I have been experiencing mild pain / pressure inside my rectum, not near the opening, but inside the passage. My stomach also feels a bit tender.

I went to the doctors today and he examined my back passage with his finger (which was not a memorable experience) and he couldn't find anything abnormal. He also couldn't feel any abnormal lumps on my stomach like a hernia.

I have to back in for a blood test on Tuesday (I had one 4 weeks ago because of these symptoms and all was good)

I am now worried that it may be some sort of cancer, because I know it is not the norm to feel pains in the rectum. (the pains are not associated with needing to go to the loo, they are always there.

Has anyone else had experience of this? It is starting to really worry me

05-11-09, 18:26
please dont worry yourself, i have the same thing only in the hands how often does it happen. Is it like a numb prickly feeling?

05-11-09, 18:30
They are more like little sharp pains and it is definately inside as there is also discomfort.

05-11-09, 18:33
dont think you will have cancer there is a east you can have done you send a sample of your motion ,,dr will tell you if your worried

06-11-09, 18:05
Anyone else experiencing this?

07-11-09, 23:38
I can't believe no-one has suggested irritable bowels yet. It could be that your digestive system is crying out for relief - do you eat healthy foods?

Make sure you cut the crap out of your diet for a few days, eat more fruit and drink water rather than alcohol or fizzy pop. Avoid spicy foods.

If it is a touch of irritable bowel, you may find relief from your symptoms within a couple of days, cos that's how long it takes me to feel better when I get these pains.

09-11-09, 11:44
I get the exact same symptoms and have been diagnosed with IBS. Try not to worry.

Keeping a food diary may help to find out what foods are causing the discomfort.

09-11-09, 18:36
Thanks guys.

Kay, When you say you get the exact same symptoms do you also mean the recum pains deep inside? (sorry, best to get straight to the point I think!!! ;~)

10-11-09, 13:49
i've had IBS for 11 years and it feels just like you've described, i often get shooting pains up me 'arris sometimes so bad i have to jump up or lean over and wriggle about, remember the back passage is a very soft, sensative and tender area so even just a small muscle twitch can hurt like hell, doesn't mean its anything serious, as for the stomach pains i used to freak out about it thinking i had appendicitus and it would become really painfull and sometimes last as longs as 2 weeks solid, when after about 5 years i realised my appendix have never burst etc it stopped scaring me and now it doesn't really hurt so much its just uncomfortable and goes after a few hours, thats what anxiety does when you get pains and freak out about them they get amplified and feel 100 times worse than it probably is, just try to chill about it the doc has given you the all clear, pains are normall (i get pains somewhere almost everyday and im healthy) try to not let it scare you and the pains will ease alot.

10-11-09, 17:52
Thanks guys.

Kay, When you say you get the exact same symptoms do you also mean the recum pains deep inside? (sorry, best to get straight to the point I think!!! ;~)

Yes its like a build up of immense pressure (not really a wind type feeling) just pressure which causes very bad pain. The pain has been so bad at times it feels like labour pain and I've actually had to hold my hand over my mouth to stop myself from shouting out. :D