View Full Version : Nightmares

08-11-05, 19:18
Hi All,

Since friday I have suffered from nightmares, except from last night! And it really creeps me out for the whole day. Do you think this is a symptom of anxiety?

Friday night, i dreamt that. - I was in a garden and there was a boy next door around the age of 17. He turned and started to walk through a back door in this house and as he steped in, he was shot in the head twice and i could see all this blood dripping down. The next thing i knew i was in his car ans i got out with him as we turned up at someone elses house. and i started to notice he was taking really big tablets. I mean HUGE tablets like an inch in thickness and width. As he was running out of tablets, he started to panic and i cuddled him but my hands were over the wound at the back of his head and i took my hands away and saw blood all over my hands - Thats when i woke up.

Saturday night, i dreamt that. - Me and 4 others were fighting with these men ontop of this balcony and all the other people pushed these men off into a crowd of people. then as i went to push mine, i got as far as putting him over the egde, but i dragged him back up, but then decided to push him off. Then i looked at myself and everyone else and we has blood all over us, so we were running around this room and corridors finding some clothes to change into. As we got downstairs of this house thing, I was the only 1 who went outside and there was this road with cars driving along it and as i was looking at the cars, they were transforming into cartoon like things but then dissappeared, so i went back inside and waited for everyone to come out.
This was when we turned up at one of the people's houses i was with and me, this other person and another 1 arranged to stay together in the house because of what happened. Wewere all in this room and i could see the ghosts of these people and 1 of them was moving a boat in a painting in that room. No1 else could see the ghosts though and we managed to get some sleep. - That was the end of that drama dream!

But the same night i had a dream of - I was in the sea but tall enough to stand with my head out the water. There was no current but there was these big containers that u normally get at a factory or a dump or something. I was trying to find my friend but i couldnt see her. But as i found her, i wanted to get near her, but as i was getting closer, the water started getting really deep so i went back to where i was ''safe''.

And Sunday night, i had a dream that - I was driving down a really narow road. There was trees either side of us and there were ditches either side of the road, the road was only as wide as the car. The driver (my boyfriend) was speeding really fast even though there was a car infront. I told him to slow down and he started to argue with me, but he did slow down. But we ended up toppling over. - Thats when i woke up.

I know nightmares arent real, but they seem real at the time. I just hated the dreams with the blood and the violence.

Do you think its caused by my anxiety? Please reply

Rachel xxx

08-11-05, 20:20
Hi Rachel

Sounds to me like anxiety causing the nightmares.

People get nightmares anyway, but I think with our constant worries we may get more than normal.

I get a fair few very odd ones, I had a dream I was climbing a vertical hill last night and I kept slipping and couldnt make it to the top, and was so scared I would fall backwards.

All they are hun is dreams though

Kirsty X

08-11-05, 21:35
I am usually a heavy/deep sleeper and since anxiety started I tend to dream and have nightmares a lot. They passed as time went on.

Nightmares/constant dreams are said to be a sign of the brain desensitising emotions and thoughts that it doesn't make sense of during the day. This is only a natural thing, and a good chance of being linked to your anxiety.

I had a really strange dream that I was being chased by Jammie Dodgers with machine guns in my back garden, Ive never forgot that. Don't think I want to. :D

They are only dreams, and are harmless. However horrific.

Hope it gets better for you.