View Full Version : High frequencies in my brain

05-11-09, 19:06
Hi... for sometime I have been experiencing very odd symptoms including numbness in legs and feet, pains in joints and muscles, dizziness and light headedness, palpitations, tiredness etc. The doc has always told me that it is stress and anxiety related.

More recently I have what I can only describe as high frequency resinence in my head that start when I am at work and busy at my PC and it gets worse and worse during the day until I find it impossible to concentrate. It moves around from the back of my head to behind my eyes to the roots of my teeth. Also when it is bad I find myself very light headed and it feels as if the floor is moving especially when I walk into a room.

Does anyone else get this stuff and is it anxiety? Are there any ttreatments that work? Has anyone tried hypnotherapy or similar?

05-11-09, 20:30
Sounds like it could be stress and maybe being on the computor too long. Sounds like you need to just sit and relax for a while and take time off the computor.

05-11-09, 20:45
i think you should have a word with your Doctor ,,most probably anxiety related but to double check,, we do get some weird things happen with this illness hope you feel better soon

05-11-09, 21:52
Doc says it is anxiety related, but I don't know anyone with similar symptoms. It would be comforting if someone else was aware of these symptoms. It is like my brain is in overload and it is buzzing. When I am away from work on holiday it all seems to go away for a while!

It also distressing when I feel the floor moving under my feet and I get dizzy, I think this is a normal symptom but not sure. Has anyone tried hypnotherapy or other therapies?

05-11-09, 22:19
I think lots of people on here will sympathise with the brain overload thing. When you are really stressed your mind is buzzing. I hope you feel better soon and are able to calm down a bit. Let your doctor help.

05-11-09, 22:26
Thanks Myra... you say your mind is buzzing when you're stressed, I can actually feel my brain buzzing, it's like someone is turning up the frequency button in my head and it makes me feel really spaced. It's worse around my sinus' and eyes and in the back of my head. Is this the same as what you called you rmind buzzing?

05-11-09, 22:34
You mention your sinuses - do you think you could have sinusitis as well? This can make your face feel totally heavy. Or you could be unconsiously clenching your teeth causing pressure. Honestly, it all sounds like high anxiety. When we feel like this our minds are full of constant chatter and activity. Please try not to worry. Remember, lots of people have symptoms unique to them - it doesn't mean they are strange - we're all different!! Try and accept and relax a bit and you'll get some relief.

05-11-09, 22:47
crazy thing is I don't feel anxious generally and I don't worry.... I just have all these symptoms and my nervous system seems to take over... Don't think I have simusitus as I have had this feeling in my head and sinus area for nearly a year

05-11-09, 22:54
Our bodies have a way of letting us know that deep down we are stressed, even although you say you don't feel so. But you must have been anxious about how you were feeling when you consulted your doctor. Try to accept your doctor's diagnosis and accept that it's anxiety symptoms that will go as you accept and relax.

05-11-09, 23:09
I have suffered from anxiety in the past quite badly where I was very worried and this is where all my symptoms started.... today I don't consciously worry and am generally pretty relaxed, my symptoms just occur and are not triggered by me consciously, my body just does it more often than not when I am fairly busy.

07-11-09, 10:20
It really sounds as though you need to try and relax and take time out. A long walk sometimes helps to de-stress you and to help your brain calm down. Even if you don't feel like doing it, make yourself and afterwards you definitely feel better. Think it's because chemicals are released to relax you.

07-11-09, 17:44
Hi there i feel the same way. my anxiety has gotten better since last year but recently been getting panic attacks. just last night couldnt sleep at all. felt my heart racing. i exercised pretty hard at night and then caught a flight out and got home and couldnt fall sleep since i now have all those simptoms u described. ive been like u after i excepted the dizziness i did worry and didnt get attacks. But i still feel like u at work when im at the computer. i feel at best when im exercising. is your bp and heart rate high at times?

07-11-09, 23:25
It would be comforting if someone else was aware of these symptoms. It is like my brain is in overload and it is buzzing. When I am away from work on holiday it all seems to go away for a while!
The buzzing and overheating sensations in the head are probably tension headaches. These can also feel like a tight, squeezing sensation across the top of the head, stabbing behind the eyes, tingling in the temples and general "foggy" feeling in the head.

Tension headaches are caused by stress, anxiety, depression, squinting (short-sightedness), using a computer screen that is too bright, using a screen resolution that is too small and looking at monitors with a low refresh rate (e.g. 60hz is horrible on the eyes - the higher the number, the easier it is on the eyes).

Consider using a glare screen, changing the computer screen's refresh rate to 75hz if possible, changing to a different resolution, spending more time away from the computer and using the computer in a well-lit room with no reflections on the screen.

Also consider your posture when using the computer. Tension headaches can be brought on by sitting in an uncomfortable position.

I have found hypnotherapy very effective at boosting confidence and dealing with specific issues, but unless your headaches are caused by emotional stress, you will probably find that hypnotherapy won't stop tension headaches if they are caused by something physical.

09-11-09, 12:19
Wow thx everyone for taking the time to reply to me, sorry for my delay in responding I have been away from the PC trying to relax....

Myra I totally agree taking time out and wlaking etc really does help and I do feel better after exercise.

Kahi I am going to star exercising more... thx you have given me the kick I need to take control

Physcho I really think my heads are not tension related, my muscles are largely fairly relaxed. I feel that my brain is over sensitive to everything i.e. working, sight, light and noise... even a sharp noise can cause the frequency feeling in my head... I am pretty sure that this is caused by situations (like working) that drive up my adrenalin levels and my nervous system just goes crazy. The only things that work for me are lots of sleep and alcohol!! I think I will try hypnotherapy to see if I can calm down my nervous system and hopefully not get such strong reactions to an adrenalin rush. Do you think it would help?