View Full Version : Went to the dr today...

06-11-09, 04:49
Hi everyone. I have a quick question. I went to the doctor today and she put me on a drug called Atenolol. It's to lower my heart rate. My heart rate is always in the high 80's. I didn't know this was bad. My questions are, has anyone ever taken this medicine, and what is the normal heart rate? This has me flipping out because I have family history of heart disease. I'll be anxious over this one for awhile. Thanks to all who reply.


06-11-09, 06:00
A normal resting heart rate is 60-80. Yours is not that high at all. I am on Propanolol which is the same med but I take it for anxiety, it does lower my pulse into the 50's. Was your high pulse rate causing you stress or making you anxious?? When I was pregnant with all three of my kids my resting pulse was 130. So dont worry to much about it being in the high 80's. Do 30 minutes of cardio a day and it will drop your heart rate naturally.

06-11-09, 09:54
Ideally the normal resting rate is between 60-80 but up to 100 can be acceptable so no yours wasn't unduly high... I too am on propranolol for anxiety. fast heartrate and palpatations and they really do help. Hope you feel better soon


06-11-09, 16:39
Thanks you two. Made me feel so much better. I was worried about my heart. You just don't tell someone you are giving them pills for a fast heartbeat and not tell them why. That's what my doctor did to me. :ohmy:

Do the pills make you tired, or groggy? I have 2 small kids I chase around the house so I don't have a lot of time to be tired. :D Thanks again for the advice, and info.


06-11-09, 16:43
yes between 60 ad 100 yours is good

06-11-09, 16:47
My rate was always around 127 so my doctor put me on Atenolol a few years back. It worked great for me. Your rate isn't really high so maybe you can get it down a little through natural means.