View Full Version : Getting Ill Alot!

06-11-09, 04:51
i keep feeling very ill all the time, its either when ive just eating or if i think about food or if i need to .. Poo What could this be? PLEASE HELP

06-11-09, 05:57
With as high as your anxiety has been lately hun my guess is a nervous stomach. You have been so stressed out that it is likely taking a toll on your belly.

06-11-09, 06:12
Yes i feel sick from my stomache :(

If it is ali what should i do :(

06-11-09, 06:50
You need to destress!!!! Can you go outside for a walk with your boyfriend or rent a movie to watch together? Do something, anything that will occupy your mind and give it a break from the fear and anxiety. Realize that what you are feeling will not hurt you, it is just your bodies way of reacting to your stress. Accept it instead of being afraid of it.
If it helps eat light, toast, applesauce, and easy on your stomach type foods but keep your liquid intake good. Then go out or find something to do that you enjoy, crank the music and dance, be a teen!!!!! Sending you lots of hugs!!!!!

06-11-09, 20:09
thankyou Ali and M Worrier x :)


06-11-09, 20:36
no problem Ruby. Do you enjoy tea? Get some ginger mint or a green tea and put some fresh ginger in it. The ginger helps with stomach problems and the green tea will help boost your immune system. Take a multivitamin, especially one with all the B vitamins in it. Those with anxiety can be deficient in B vitamins. Try and envision an army of little men inside your body with swords. Pretend that they have their guard up and will fight off anything that tries to get into your body. Might sound silly but it has been proven to help boost your immune system. You are a young healthy girl try and remember that.

06-11-09, 22:29
Thankyou Ali,

I'll try get to some green tea and some fresh ginger, The tea (meal) didnt go down well at all, im very nocternal at the moment. I have multi vitamins but they are at home i will ask my mum to get me the tea when i eventually get home, stuck at my boyfriends house at the moment :(

Thankyou so much Alison x