View Full Version : Thanks to all the posts!

08-11-05, 22:31
Thank you to everyone who posts here! I am kind of new... I registered in August but only have been reading this forum earlier this week. I have health anxiety and this site has helped me so much. It helps me put my "symptoms" into perspective when I see so many people with the same problems as me. My mother died when I was young and I grew up in a bad home. Now that I am a mom I am afraid that I will leave my children, and of course the only thing that could take me away from them would be death.... sooooooooo..... any little thing is certain death in my head. I have had the aches, numbness, dizziness, missed heart beats, you name it!! If I REALLY had everything I THOUGHT I had... I'd be dead by now for sure!! LOL I go to a therapist and that is helping too, but on days that I feel lonely and that no one understands and why me and all that... I come here and read your stories and help if I can.
Sorry for rambling on... I just want everyone to know that through posting thier problems... they are helping others! :)

09-11-05, 10:22
Glad to know the site is helping - have you been in the chatroom yet?

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-11-05, 20:22
Yes but only once. I thought about going back tho. ;)

09-11-05, 21:31
Glad it is helping you.

If you think we have anything missing then let us know so we can add to it.

Hope you continue to get support from here.


09-11-05, 23:59
hey was talkin to you in caht tonite...its camish...well cam...glad the site is helpin your really helped me...i have health anxiety to....gettin better though...well see you around take care........an MAY THE AMISH BE WITH YOU....lol

take care


10-11-05, 15:24
Thanks Camish.... Only a true Amish could know how I feel! (Kidding of course!)
Thanks again for this great site! :)

11-11-05, 02:47
Hey there,

My first baby is due any day now and I've been getting the health anx for just over a month, it's true that this site is so helpfull in getting us through this, Iam looking forward to being a dad but like you, was gettng all the worries about dying and not seeing my baby grow up. Things are getting better though and I'm learning to be more chilled again

Take care


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"