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06-11-09, 09:50

After recently suffering my first Panic Attack due to anxiety I have been diagnosed with depression and begin my councelling next week. I must admit that I am a little scared about what he will ask me as throughout my life I have always kept everything bottled up inside and never had to tell anyone anything personal about me, I know its time now for that to change.

The problem I have... well, the hardest thing to admit is that im sure that one of the root causes of my depression is down to my marriage I know that I married the wrong person in a rushed decision. The other being a lack of close friends, this I put down to me moving around europe for work over the past few years, any friends I make I seem to lose when I move on. This makes my problems harder as I feel I have nobody close to turn to. I have felt this way for some time but I dont want to have to face up to the issues. I wish I could pour out everything in my mind to you all here, perhaps someone may have an answer or suggest as to what I should do.

06-11-09, 09:54
if you pm me i will listen

06-11-09, 09:58
Hi James

It will be really good for you to actually get everything off your chest.. we all need to do that. Don't be afraid or embarrassed about talking about things... the counsellors are trained to deal with all sorts of events that people are living or have lived through. As for your marriage I was in that situation some years back and I eventually decided I deserved to be happy and we are now divorced ... i feel it was the right thing for both me and my ex husband and we are now good friends.

I hope your counselling helps and don't forget you can talk to us on here as much as you want at any time.

Take care

Mand x

06-11-09, 10:25
We're here to listen James. Nothing is ever too little or needs apologising for.

Good luck with the counselling. When I started to talk to a counsellor, I found it really hard to be told "Time's up. See you next week" I felt abandoned and didn't know where to go with new thoughts and feelings. I always found the time between sessions raised something I hadn't considered before, so it was invaluable. Counsellors have no magic pills or fix-its. They listen and guide, but you come up with the answers yourself. The success/failure of counselling depends on how honest you are prepared to be with yourself, and how much you really want to change.

Do let us know how it goes.