View Full Version : It never ends

06-11-09, 10:18
I am 64....ok ....getting on... I have suffered for many years with Anxiety all starting back when I was 19, 3 weeks before I got married.
I collapsed in work...lost the use of my arms ...taken into hospital. Pre wedding nerves they said. It all started then.
Panic attacks and afraid of every bodily symptom.
I have taken most meds but at the moment only take a Diazpam 1ml when I am feeling frightened and anxious. I am also profoundly deaf and suffer from acute Tinnitus...that happened when I was 30. I now have weak feelings in my legs....about 18 months I have had that...and worry constantly about about my health. Living on my own after a divorce does not help. I find it hard to go too far from home, although I do work 2 days a week in my Craft shop I sometimes feel trapped there.
I also have I.B.S. Badly. I just want to have one day feeling well. I do feel my Doc thinks I am a neurotic woman but hell I don't want to feel this way.
My sleeping habits are rubbish too.....so fatigue is mostly with me.
I don't cope very well away from home and if I do go very far the IBS kicks in so walking too far is out of the question.
Just been diagnosed with Arthritis in feet as well so that is not helping.
Neck problems and back too.
Is there any end to it?
A friend to chat to who understands would be good.
Thank you for reading.

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 10:49
I am 64....ok ....getting on... I have suffered for many years with Anxiety all starting back when I was 19, 3 weeks before I got married.
I collapsed in work...lost the use of my arms ...taken into hospital. Pre wedding nerves they said. It all started then.
Panic attacks and afraid of every bodily symptom.
I have taken most meds but at the moment only take a Diazpam 1ml when I am feeling frightened and anxious. I am also profoundly deaf and suffer from acute Tinnitus...that happened when I was 30. I now have weak feelings in my legs....about 18 months I have had that...and worry constantly about about my health. Living on my own after a divorce does not help. I find it hard to go too far from home, although I do work 2 days a week in my Craft shop I sometimes feel trapped there.
I also have I.B.S. Badly. I just want to have one day feeling well. I do feel my Doc thinks I am a neurotic woman but hell I don't want to feel this way.
My sleeping habits are rubbish too.....so fatigue is mostly with me.
I don't cope very well away from home and if I do go very far the IBS kicks in so walking too far is out of the question.
Just been diagnosed with Arthritis in feet as well so that is not helping.
Neck problems and back too.
Is there any end to it?
A friend to chat to who understands would be good.
Thank you for reading.

:hugs: Hugs for you Daisy4me. It sucks doesn't it. Who knows if there is ever an end to it, I thought it got better as we got older, but your post has me wondering now! :shrug:
So your home is like your safe haven? Did I read that right?
Cant really say all that much to you, apart from, you're not alone, the people that come on here are proof of that.

06-11-09, 11:29
Huge hugs, that is a long time to suffer with such anxiety. I have for 18 years. The IBS use to be a HUGE part of it for me. I wouldnt go out because I refused to use public washrooms and if we ever went on a short trip etc I could never get take out and eat in the car as I would have to go to the washroom shortly after. Once I had no choice but to resort to a really really bad gas station rest room. I managed to get a hold on the IBS, I changed my diet drastically and added probiotics and digestive enzymes and now I very rarely have a problem unless I eat a "trouble" food. Keep a diary and find what foods trigger you the most and eliminate them. Usually its dairy, grease, etc. Then take your probiotics and digestive enzymes daily and you should see a huge improvement. Maybe if you get a hold on the IBS the stress wont be so bad,
As for the arthritis did your doctor give you someone for that??? Try swimming in a pool as much as possible and soak in a hot tub if there is one there as well. Do activities like aqua fit classes etc that are meant for people with joint problems.
My doc thinks I am neurotic at times as well. He tells me I am the healthiest "sick" person in his whole practice. But he is my doctor and its his job to address my needs whether they be physical or mental so dont let your doctor dismiss you or your symptoms ever!!!
Huge hugs, I hope you are able to feel somewhat better and I am here if you ever need to chat.

06-11-09, 13:11
Hi there, thank you so much for answering I think with the IBS with me it's stress.....I have lost a stone in weight this past 3 months as I was classed as obese so the nurse said... I was 12 stone 4 lbs. so now I have lost a stone. My stomach no longer bloats out....but having said that I was feeling like a cheese roll this lunchtime and so waiting to see what happens as it was white bread.... it was devine...lols.
As for all the other stuff well I don't know I am sure.
I will give it another month..as I feel so guilty when I go to the Dr.
I had to go down the chemist this morning as I have had a persistent cough...for 6 months that makes me very tight chested...Xrays showed I was ok...but I have always had cattarh and that can be a real problem for me. I had asthma tests but they were negative.
I am greatly affected with the weather too if it's dark and wet and horrible so am I....lols...but you know I still have my humour.... and I would be lost with out my crafts....I also have a little hearing dog....Daisy... hence my username. Please do feel that I am here for you too anytime you want a chat..
I might have a sleep this afternoon its really a horrible day here in Devon.
Huge hugs back byebye

06-11-09, 13:19
I have pain killers for the Arthritis...I will try the swimming though...and see what that does. There is one near.. I saw a doc a few months ago it wasnt my normal one she was very nice...and said to me...trouble is Ms T you look 46 but have the body of a 64 year old and we both laughed at that but it seems to be cos I am 64 no one seems to care a jot. I feel sometimes though when I go down there that I wanna howl and say please listen to me...but of course I go in there and I clam right up.
I come out thinking you stupid stupid woman.
I don't know perhaps with the weight that I lose I will feel better but nothing can take away the awful tinnitus and the noises in my head...and the stress that being deaf brings on me nighttime is the worse time as I cannot listen to outside sounds to alleviate the anxiety. I am trapped in the dark with the ever 1912 overture going on in my head I know I am lucky in lots of ways..but I feel your really the most luckiest person on this earth if you have really good health.
If someone were to say to me you can win the lottery or have good health....guess what I would choose?
Bye for now.

06-11-09, 14:27
I know where you are coming from, because I have a friend who is just 52, but every time she goes to the doctor's with her back problem they just say "well, you are getting old, and this is part of that". And then she goes back until they find spine issues and then they say "well, you might end up in a wheelchair, but you are getting old and this is part of that".
And this makes her angry because once you're past 50 doctors easily dismiss your symptoms as symptoms of old age instead of taking them more seriously.

Living with HA is a nightmare and the IBS just adds to your anxiety about enjoying life - you need to ignore it and get out more. Go to that swimming pool, have a relaxing massage if possible, meet friends, say yes to every invitation, try to eat as healthy as possible. Congratulations on the weight loss too :hugs:

06-11-09, 17:51
This is the thing.... I want to see people.....but I dont...I do workshops every week for card making....but the listening and everything associated with teaching wears me out.
I find I burn myself out very quickly.
I am alone most nights....and in this dark weather I find it very hard to want to go out.
Groups of people leave me feeling left out..I never say that I feel that way.
I am sorry about your friend.
I can do lots here to entertain myself...but when your stressed out that is hard to do... I really need someone to prod me and say go on go and do something.
Oh hell, I am sorry if I sound a whinger, I am not you know! it's just been nice to talk to someone about it, as there is only one friend I can talk to.
however you can't keep on can you..telling people your so dam frightened.
the weekend is here...
I hope you have a good one...:hugs: