View Full Version : Mental Health Team Assessment

06-11-09, 11:43
I received a phonecall this morning to arrange a time and date for my mental health assessment. I was eager to get this so that I can start to beat this thing once and for all!! But now I'm really frightened, well maybe not frightened more anxious and panicy! I can feel my heart flipping and I get a tickling sensation in my chest when it does. I dont know what to expect, I have a fear that they're going to tell me that my fears about my relationship are true (even tho I know they're not cos I had a fantastic couple of weeks with my partner) and that I am making a mountain out of a molehill and all that. I'm really apprehensive! Can anyone tell me what happens or what to expect? Maybe the kind of things or questions I would have to do or answer?
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond,
Cakey (Sarah)

06-11-09, 11:57
Hi Cakey

Don't know if you read my earlier post, but you have to let them know how you are feeling but also show that you want to take charge tell them what you believe will help you, you will be asked a series of questions about how you feel etc, don't panic too much I know I did but now I've gone through it if you get a good member of the team on your side you will hopefully be successful.

Big hug sent and the very best of luck to you :hugs:

07-11-09, 17:35
Good luck! I'm hoping mine'll be soon too x

07-11-09, 21:57
Thanks. I hope yours comes soon toox

07-11-09, 23:39
Hi...I don't know you (obviously :winks: ), but what jumped out at me from your post is that you're worried they'll tell you your worries about your relationship are true. In my own experience, my therapist doesn't tell me what he thinks unless it's positive...as in he'd say my partner is very supportive and if I was fearing there was a problem I think he'd say not in his opinion, whereas if he felt I was right I think he'd encourage me to come to that conclusion on my own.
Does that even make sense?
They do want you to get better. And you will be taken seriously I would think.
The kinds of questions I was asked (in Canada, but likely the same) are the big what brought me to this point. What has been the problem so far. Describe the feelings I am having trouble dealing with, when do I get them, is there something that brings it on or is it out of the blue. Have I ever had "black thoughts" (that's what they call it in French-think they mean a suicidal thought), Have I missed work or other activities because of anxiety. How much is it impacting my life...all that sort of thing. I was also asked about my family growing up, general stuff. Also about medical problems past and present.
This is getting long, so I'll stop, but I hope this might help :)

08-11-09, 01:04
Yes mine was very similar they basically need to know whether you should be under primary care (counselling) or secondary care ie (mental health, psychology team), neither to be afraid of but it is just that under primary care you only get talking therapy - though I'm lucky to also recieve basic CBT through my counsellor, because I told her I didn't want to keep bringing up the problems but never solve them.

You do know what you feel and what you think you need so be honest with them.

Best of luck again x