View Full Version : FREAKING out :( numbness?!

06-11-09, 12:15
I woke up n middle of the night with a weird sensation in my back, as if it was numb or somthing, Ive heard of it being n arms and legs but not anywere else n I'm wrried! I'm on day 5 of citalopram if it could b a side effect? but y would I only be getting this now?? :(

06-11-09, 12:18
dont know about meds your taking but i would ask docter if this is normal hun

sarah jayne
06-11-09, 12:24
I never experience that when i was on citalopram. Maybe you had been asleep in an awkward position ? If it keeps happeng i would go to the docs x

06-11-09, 12:25
i'd say it's the medication.

06-11-09, 13:05
I thought it mighta bin the way I was laying but it's like dis again 2day, unless I'm just being paranoid n imagining it nw

06-11-09, 13:34
anxious nerves can make you feel like this. check out the symptom guide on the site here, i find it useful, it talks about numbness.

if you woke with it it could be a trapped nerve.

if you're able to type it's more than likely not a stroke

06-11-09, 13:38
I think anxiety can cause numbness literally everywhere... it may even be that you are sleeping more soundly on the new meds?? if so that could be the reason for numbess (less moving about that normal) but of course if it persists and worries you best to get him to take a quick look.. could be a trapped nerve.

Hope it gets better soon

Mand x

06-11-09, 13:40
Dunno if this is the same but since last week i have had numbness in my back, not numb to touch and it comes and goes through out the day, it could be a possibly trapped/ pinched nerve, thats what i'm hoping mine is.

Is yours positional? like if you lie down it is gone or when you bend over it is there etc?

06-11-09, 14:04
its not numb to touch either, its just a really weird feeling in my back, i dont know if its positional, ive bin constantly thinking and worrying about it all day, it doesnt seem 2 want 2 go away. im totally freaking out

06-11-09, 16:12
I get it in my ribs as well as legs and feet, can't ever recall back but wouldn't be at all surprised

06-11-09, 19:36
It's most likely to be from the citalopram. Numbness, tingling, pins-and-needles and other odd skin sensations can be side effects. I wouldn't worry unless it carries on. It'll most likely be gone in a few days' time.

06-11-09, 19:38
saw a doctor today and he assured me mine was either a pinched nerve or anxiety.

Try and distract yourself and then see if it goes.

06-11-09, 19:45
thanku, i will do, i got myself so worked up over it i spent the whole day in bed. its crazy how r minds work, its probly still only there because im paranoid about it! grrrr

07-11-09, 15:14
still freaking out 2day, cant help thinking its a blood clot or somthing. i woke up in the middle of last nite with a fuzzyness feeling and tingly all in my face n down my left side, i compleatly panicked then, my boyfriend didnt ave a clue what to do or say and ended up getting anoyed at me. y cant i just ignore it and think of it as nothing? i keep telling myself this then not believing it.

09-11-09, 16:15
went to docs today, and he just kinda brushed off the tingling and upper back numbness....do i take this as a good sign that he doesnt think anything is serious? he did say that the citalopram can cause sensations like this...but im still freaking out, cant seem to reasure myself.

09-11-09, 17:15
It could be the meds, i don't know tho as i'm not on meds, it could be a pinched nerve tho, mine was a weird pressure thing and i can only describe it as a numby feeling yet it's not numb at all, my doc didn't seem too concerned and told me if it comes and goes IT IS DEFINETELY NOT SERIOUS.