View Full Version : Decaffeinated Coffee Question

06-11-09, 13:47
I've stopped drinking regular tea and coffee and am drinking decaff tea which is fine and decaff coffee which still seems to make me feel like I am drinking a normal coffee as in I can feel the adrenaline building up after I've drank half a cup and get butterflies in my throat and chest. I'm going to stop drinking it but just wondered if anyone has had the same thing happen to them.



06-11-09, 21:09
hiya junie,,i have exactly the same,,i thought it was just me lol,,im also fine with decaff tea,,yet decaff coffee,,sets me right off,,so i never bother i just stick to the tea,,,its nice to know it wasnt just me being daft

06-11-09, 21:16
Ive wondered about the decaff before too but i still drink it and i seem to have got used to it now... I do think artificial sweeteners can cause palpatations though so watch out for those.


06-11-09, 21:19
I had the same thing with the decaf . What i found is really nice is white tea.

06-11-09, 22:44
I've been drinking decaff tea, coffee and coke for years now. I don't think i get any palpatations when i drink the coffee but i do find it can be stronger than "leaded" coffee. :)

06-11-09, 23:07
Im generally alright on decaff coffee though it has happened where ive become anxious afterwards, i think this is just our minds associating the taste of the coffee with taking stimulants into the body.


09-11-09, 14:58
Thanks for your feed back. Glad to know it's not just my imagination, unless we're all imagining it! I've stopped drinking coffee and am sticking with the caffeine free tea which is fine.