View Full Version : Anxious about earlier today.. Now its over, shouldnt the symptoms be over too?

06-11-09, 16:37
Hi, Im wondering if anyone can help me..

Basically Ive been working myself up on and off for the last fortnight. It was my Nannas funeral today, so with the anxiety and agoraphobia I was a mess.

I felt sick last night, I had a little diarreah this morning, my stomach was tense and I had back pains too (assuming from the tense stomach). I couldnt eat or drink anything this morning as I was so anxious, I didnt get home till 2pm ish and could only manage a complan and 2 bits of toast after I picked my son up over an hour later..

But shouldnt these symptoms have subsided by now?? :huh:

I dont feel anxious anymore, but the pains, tiredness, nausea and stomach turning is still there, the stomach pains arent great either, it feels like Im pulling my stomach in (worrying about ulcers now etc!!).. so with my emetophobia Im starting to worry:weep:

I just feel really worried as Ive had 2 episodes of sickness over the last 2 months (they cant seem to find anything and keep telling me its either anxiety or ibs).

Has anyone else been through this?

06-11-09, 17:08

Its normal for the aches and pains to continue after the event, this is mostly due to the extra adrenaline we use when we are anxious, if i had a bad attack the after efects could last for a day or so

best wishes x

06-11-09, 17:30
So sorry you have had such a bad time today .It used to take me about 5 days to get over a bad episode ,it left me feeling quite ill . What you are going through is quite common ...Body chemistry does some horrible things .:scared15:.Get plenty of rest ,you will feel better soon ..Hugs to you luv Sue :hugs:

06-11-09, 17:59
no its perfectly normal for the symptoms to still be there as you've stressed and worked yourself up for days and even though the event is over the stress wont just suddenly go from your body, it needs to wind down gently and slowly, also you are now anxious about being anxious, just chill and rest a bit and do something relaxing you enjoy to distract your mind from the stress and in a couple oof days you'll feel cool.

20-11-09, 05:50
Yes its still the after affects and this is normal.. Happens to me a lot.Ill get really nervous or anxious and after I settle down im still nauseated or have bad stomach sometimes for a few days.. Don't worry it will settle down and sorry for your loss..

20-11-09, 08:58
I'm sorry for your loss. I agree with all the above posts, but also don't forget you are still grieving for your Nanna. The symptoms you have now all happen to people when they are bereaved. They will lessen, but perhaps you could ask your Doc about Bereavement Counselling if they continue to worry you.