View Full Version : Your I.B.S triggers

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 17:41
Last few days I have had occasional stomach cramps & really bubbly tummy, right under the ribs? No particular side.
Trouble is, I dont actually know whats causing it, so cant yet rule out a particular thing!
What triggers your I.B.S? Maybe there's something I'm eating, that I am not thinking is high risk, like my craving for crusty rolls at the moment. Today those with sardine paste, scones, crisps & a chocolate bar are all ive had? Cant think any of those would cause it?

06-11-09, 18:33
My triggers:

Lots of dairy

Spicy food

Certain marinades and sauces

Anything very very acidic

Carbonated beverages

Anything fried or greasy

Sometimes not eating more frequently/close together causes me a lot of problems because the emptier my stomach is, the harder it is for me to consume a real meal and my stomach and IBS really bother me.

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 19:29
My triggers:

Lots of dairy

Spicy food

Certain marinades and sauces

Anything very very acidic

Carbonated beverages

Anything fried or greasy

Sometimes not eating more frequently/close together causes me a lot of problems because the emptier my stomach is, the harder it is for me to consume a real meal and my stomach and IBS really bother me.

Hmmm, none of those seem to be my problem at the moment. Maybe I have just eaten too much rubbish! I know I cant cope with too much stir fry for example, 2 weeks ago I had a very uncomfortable time at work due to eating a wok full, & I mean full of that that the night before lol Have had 2 lots of that this week, but smaller amounts.
Have terrible wind too! Hope its gone by the morning, start work at 6 :scared15:

06-11-09, 19:34
white bread and processed food trigger my ibs

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 19:43
white bread and processed food trigger my ibs

Do you get the bubbly tummy?
I wonder if its the bread rolls, ive had loads this week. Will lay off those & see if thats it.

06-11-09, 19:45
Bread (takes quite a bit though)
Tea (not caffeine)
Nicotine patches :shrug:

As I've quit smoking and don't drink that's not really an issue, but I do miss my cups of tea... and looking at that list, having a chocolate digestive sandwich and a cup of tea is a big no... pfft. IBS, who needs it eh!?

06-11-09, 19:47
sometimes bubbly tummy, lots of wind from both ends .... nice... and generally uncomfortable and sometimes pain, i get a whole hodge podge of different feelings with my ibs but it mostly comes on when i'm anxious and then i can eat anything and it's horrible.

Cell block H fan
06-11-09, 19:48
Bread (takes quite a bit though)
Tea (not caffeine)
Nicotine patches :shrug:

As I've quit smoking and don't drink that's not really an issue, but I do miss my cups of tea... and looking at that list, having a chocolate digestive sandwich and a cup of tea is a big no... pfft. IBS, who needs it eh!?

Its frustrating thats for sure. At the moment I feel like a beached whale! All bloated. I really do need to sort my diet out, I can eat some junk! I think I cant get away with that anymore.
Its a bit annoying that too much veg is one I definately know starts it off, veg is supposed to be healthy! lol

06-11-09, 19:51
Are you taking any fiber? That takes the beached feeling away for me nowadays.

06-11-09, 19:53
Depends on the veg, green leaved things tend to make you quite gassy anyway, so if that's the issue try steering clear of them a little. I don't have a problem with most veg though come to think of it add POTATOES to that list of mine... or thankfully fruit, if I couldn't have some fruit I'd probably go crazy, though again it's a case of not going overboard, I ate 2 lbs of grapes the other night... yeah, probably a bit random.

I have a diet I switch to when I feel really bloated, I've tried all sorts of medications and remedies to get rid of the bloating but it never helps, so I just switch to bland food for a couple of days and sorted, though it took me a while to find what was okay for me, and it's always different for everyone. It's basically, oats (porridge), pasta and noodles, nothing spicy or whatever it's quite boring.

06-11-09, 20:55
For me;
Spicy food
Greasy Food
Red meat
Processed cheese

I have been on 20mg (small dose) of amitriptyline for 3 weeks now and since I started taking them my IBS has stopped almost completely. I feel so much better in that respect.

06-11-09, 21:04
I forgot to mention...since I have IBS C...and get bloated and can't go often...my GI doctor says I should avoid the BRAT diet:


These are all constipating apparently, which really sucks because when I have a stomach ache, all of these things help me not feel nauseous!

06-11-09, 21:17
These are my IBS triggers: chilli, grapes, seeds, too much wheat ie too much bread. Too much coffee ( I like mine black) Stress forthcoming feared events, going away, long car journeys.

06-11-09, 21:32
any dairy
pure fruit juices
some vegtables

does my head in

Cell block H fan
07-11-09, 05:45
Thanks everyone, can see a few triggers in those that I can try avoiding for a bit, & see how that goes x

07-11-09, 05:57
Certain foods trigger my ibs like spicey ones and too much watery veg. I tend to stick to a bland diet because of my ibs, I simply get too anxious about eating a lot of foods!!
I dont drink (i miss drinking....)
I only have one cup of weak tea a day and herbal tea so very little caffeine
No spicy foods
Limit my leafy watery veg and fruit

And instead I stick to:
Savoury biscuits
Boring food.

Sigh. i SO SO SO SO hate IBS. It kills my life. I get so paranoid about getting an ibs attack that I bring them on....

Cell block H fan
07-11-09, 11:05
Certain foods trigger my ibs like spicey ones and too much watery veg. I tend to stick to a bland diet because of my ibs, I simply get too anxious about eating a lot of foods!!
I dont drink (i miss drinking....)
I only have one cup of weak tea a day and herbal tea so very little caffeine
No spicy foods
Limit my leafy watery veg and fruit

And instead I stick to:
Savoury biscuits
Boring food.

Sigh. i SO SO SO SO hate IBS. It kills my life. I get so paranoid about getting an ibs attack that I bring them on....

Oh no, that so sucks. No goodies! :sad:

07-11-09, 12:08
Sweets are the number one trigger for me, I cannot eat them without my IBS going haywire. no chocolate, donuts, cookies, etc. sometimes I binge and eat a cookie or something but oh do I regret it later. It makes me so sick.
Also milk, alcohol, and nicotine on occasion but unfortunately I smoke like there's no tomorrow :blush:
I could name off other things that seem to be a culprit but it'd be a long list, these are just the main ones!

07-11-09, 12:13
Yeah dammit, it's about time my IBS only trigged from foods I don't like... marmite, peanut butter (I'm struggling here cos I like most things) but you know, IBS that only comes on when you eat something you don't like would be cool. I want to eat my chocolate and drink me tea, pfft, no fun.

07-11-09, 14:17
I am also quite unsure of what triggers mine off, at first seemed to be pasta and other carbs but ok with them at min.

I am currently keeping a food diary to see if there is a pattern. I write down what I have eaten that day and what symptoms I get so can try to see what it is that triggers it otherwise I will forget!!

07-11-09, 14:57
I'm off the dairy for the last 5 weeks, been hell no cheese and chocolate. Also noticed anything greasy makes me feel sick and the IBS start up. For the gas I take charcoal capsules which help a lot

Cell block H fan
07-11-09, 17:44
Thanks all of you, well I haven't had any crusty bread rolls today, & so far so good! I did have some weight watchers malted danish bread first thing this morning, but thats more brown bread isn't it? So I am now wondering if I cant deal with white bread. I might give it a few days, then try the crusty bread rolls again (what a good excuse!) & see what happens! xxx

07-11-09, 19:24
I'm still trying to figure out my IBS triggers, but my main one is bread and pasta. If I eat bread it has to be wholewheat or somthing like that. Supermarket whitebread really makes me bloated and nauseous.

One thing that has really helped me is to eat a bowl of All-Bran every morning. It helps me avoid getting bloated and introduces some regularity to my bowel movements.

Cell block H fan
07-11-09, 20:34
I'm still trying to figure out my IBS triggers, but my main one is bread and pasta. If I eat bread it has to be wholewheat or somthing like that. Supermarket whitebread really makes me bloated and nauseous.

One thing that has really helped me is to eat a bowl of All-Bran every morning. It helps me avoid getting bloated and introduces some regularity to my bowel movements.
The trouble is, I was put on Allbran as a 5 yr old, I had to have it on top of everything, & I mean EVERYTHING lol if I had rice crispies, they had All bran on top! It was vile. I stopped going to the toilet back then, thats how far back I.B.S (as it wasn't actually known then) started for me & was admitted to hospital for 2 weeks, enemas, forced orange squash down me until I vommited all over the hospital bed, the lot :D & they had my mum using that All bran stuff, so I cant face it now! or orange squash funnily enough lol x

07-11-09, 23:21
Sweets are the number one trigger for me, I cannot eat them without my IBS going haywire. no chocolate, donuts, cookies, etc. sometimes I binge and eat a cookie or something but oh do I regret it later. It makes me so sick.
Also milk, alcohol, and nicotine on occasion but unfortunately I smoke like there's no tomorrow :blush:
I could name off other things that seem to be a culprit but it'd be a long list, these are just the main ones!

Im guilty of binging on good food too. Last night I had the most devine huge chocolate tart... Was up for hours with horrible stomach cramps... I thought id die unhappy. hahaha.