View Full Version : on the verge of a really bad panic attack or something more serious ?

sarah jayne
06-11-09, 21:34
Im sat here shaking and my chest is hurting, im not sure if im on the verge of a panic attack or something more serious. I feel panicky, i feel like im going to die, i just dont know what to do. Ive had a headache for 4 months and lately ive been feeling sick and dizzy, ive felt so ill recently its been awful, i'd do anything to feeel normal again. I dont know if its the start of a panic attack or the end of my illness. Sorry for rambling i just dont know what to do, i really feel like im going to die. Im scared that i wont see my children grow up and im scared of feeling like this. Ive just had some rescue remady but it hasnt helped:weep:

06-11-09, 21:50
hi sarah jayne
i know its really really hard but try your best not to worry. You have to stay positive and be proactive in telling the doctors you need help with headaches and any anxiety issues. Im speaking to myself here too - i need to do the same.

did you speak to the doctor about withdrawel from cocodamol because this might be making things worse?

all the best

sarah jayne
06-11-09, 21:56
Hi, i went to the doctors today and cried my eyes out asking them to help and he just told me to take paracetamol at regular intervals, that wont even touch the pain ! Im not on anything for anxiety, he said im on the list to speak to a therapist but i dont know how long its going to take. I stopped the cocodamols about a month ago. Ive signed up with a new doctor but it may take a few weeks for everthing to go through. Thanks for you reply x

06-11-09, 21:57
hi there

Breathe deeply try to close your eyes and breathe in to the count of 4 or 5 through the nose and exhale to count of 7 to 8 slowly through the mouth, keep repeating this until you feel more relaxed it won't take it all away but it will calm you a little, please be strong. :hugs:

06-11-09, 22:01
see another doctor that is awful treatment sarah- how can he say take more paracetamol when you have done that before and it didnt help.
with me it took only one month of me going every week before my doctor sent me to a neurologist although the waiting list was a 3 month wait.

point is your GP should realise they cant help and send you somewhere else.

06-11-09, 22:10
I am sorry you are feeling so bad, do you have any relaxation music? If so take a bath, put on the music and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and feel your stomach rise not your chest and out through your nose. Concentrate on every breath and do not let your mind wander, if it does refocus on your breathing. You can also try something like doing the 7 times tables in your head as high as you can go, or count using odd numbers backwards from 100. All these things will help redirect your mind and take it off the way you are feeling.
Can you book a massage? Maybe that or a chiropractor could help with the headaches. I know propanolol is an excellent option as a medication. Maybe ask your doctor. It is used for headaches, anxiety, high pulse and blood pressure. I take it for anxiety and my husband takes it for headaches.
I hope you feel better soon. I know that it is never fun to feel so horrible. Hugs to you

06-11-09, 22:11
SArah ... Its going to be okay ... we all know exactly how you feel .... you are fine .... I have felt the same things . stop ..... distract yourself . this feeling Will end. The very big chance is there is nothing wrong with you physically... but you sound depressed and all your symptoms as you well know are anxiety caused.... you can do this I know you can... you will start to feel better when you stop worrying which i know is the most difficult thing .... Are there things in your life that are making you feel so down? oh take care of yourself give yourself a break from this worry ... do something random put on music and dance . watch some comedy .. shift your thought pattern... wishing you lots of love and health and positivity. sunshine blue skies chocolate holidays and everything good in the world...XXXX