View Full Version : help with thoughts

06-11-09, 21:42
i know with anxiety we have anxious thoughts, and the more we worry about them the chances are they will turn into an obsession, thats where i am stuck, my thoughts are so wrapped up all i get are anxious thoughts all day there no relaxation.
i do have thoughts of harming people, i know u can say that ocd but it still just anxious thoughts.
does anyone else feel they are so wrapped up in there thoughts popping into there head all day long that they cant think anymore. i just feel like i have lost control of my own thoughts.
i know they just thoughts but everything i try to do ,cbt or just ignoring the thoughts make it worse.
i think that i have had the thoughts for so long that i cant remember how to think.
ps does anyone else get the feeling that there thoughts are constantly pushing them into a corner so that they cant think anything else anymore

thanx, in need of help :(

06-11-09, 21:56
Hi Dante

Thats why i have a punchbag :-)


06-11-09, 22:22
Hi Dante,

I have an ant phobia, really bad this summer, all the time looking and searching for them, constantly thinking about them, trying to get to sleep they'd get in my head really thought I was going to go mad. I'm now on citralopram 40mg after 4weeks of 20mg and it has helped. I've also started a beating the blues course, basic cbt, but I've realised that its my mind that needs occupying as well as the rest of me.
Have you tried to set a small goal, mine was to read for 1 hour twice a week, I had to force myself the first time to do it, but ended up actually reading a book in a week and enjoying it. from then I've built small goals for myself which a) are acheivable and B) are for ME.
Have you been to a Dr or had any councilling? Maybe that can help.
Please dont give up ang good luck.

06-11-09, 22:47
Think what happens is that we worry bout something and this turns into anxiety and suddenly we are more alert to them, I was scared of losing my partner due to bad history that I kept buried. I would notice every single threat, flirt, attractive woman until I couldn't step out of the house without worrying I'd lose him, I saw everything with doubt and threat, it doesn't matter what the worry is the effects are the same, I am starting to use CBT and yes it does help I actively say no to myself if I get a negative thought come into my head ... sometimes when things hit so hard this at the moment does cure but I know that I have much improved and I owuld say yes give it a whirl... it won't harm you but certainly may help x:hugs:

06-11-09, 23:13
I have just stopped taking Paroxetine..(two weeks) and now I can think clearer without the contiuous barage of unwanted thoughts going through my head.
I feel that I am starting with no dominant thoughts and I am therefore able to let unwanted thoughts go by without giving them any attention.
Not sure how this helps you, but when I was on the meds I had compulsive thoughts, repeated words and phrases in my head all the time. My dreams were also busy and I would wake up feeling really tired.
I have or had Post Traumatic Stress, my meds were increased everytime I couldn't cope until I was on the max dose (50mg) I've been on Paroxetine for about 8 yrs and as soon a the dose was reduced I could think MORE clearly, and felt less like my head was in a mess or about to explode.

07-11-09, 17:33
I had awful derealisation over summer and now I can't stop worrying about whether I'm thinking like that...as if I go a while living 'normally' I suddenly think 'oh-I haven't thought about why I'm here and the reasons for eveything for a while'. It's horrible.