View Full Version : Cant eat anymore

06-11-09, 22:22
Ok So,

I had my tea earlier, every mouthful i had literally heaved and felt my gut rench. Thinking or, hearing someone talk about food or planning to eat makes me feel so ill and sick, it feels like sick is coming up my throat and my stomache will turn like a washing machine.

Im nocternal at the moment, im going to sleep at 9am and waking up at 8pm im not eating well or drinking much at all, i dont know how to get out of this or if my eating disorders are something to do with this.

Also im not sure how to get out of being nocternal because last time i tried i staye up all day and my body was shaking, i felt weak for weeks and ill. It drains me and it feels like im stuck once again.

And to add onto all of that, i suffer from depression and i have a panic disorder and my anxiety is really really bad. Also im so stressed with my relationship at the moment.

Please help me :(

Ruby x

06-11-09, 22:28
Do you have meal supplement drinks in your area? If so please get some. I had something similar when I was about 17. Whenever I ate I felt sick, I was not making myself sick but I felt sick everytime so I stopped eating. Bad idea. You leave yourself more open to all the colds and flus if you are not getting proper nutrition. I started on the supplement drinks and slowly moved to other foods. It was all in my head and there was nothing wrong with me. You really need to see a doc Ruby, PLEASE!!!!!!

06-11-09, 22:32
I will go to the docs, ASAP i just need to get out of this bad sleep routine, i feel so stuck at the moment, now im starting to cry :weep:

06-11-09, 23:19
hun dont cry, just go get help, right now.