View Full Version : colonoscopy and bp phobia

07-11-09, 08:35
Im dut to have a colonoscopy on tuesday morning and am freaking out , not about the procedure but about having my blood pressure done.
I know if i explain my phobia they hopefully won't insist. i Had a endoscopy a few years ago and they just monitered my pulse, but i feel that im making a big fuss!!!
Can anyone please advise. THANKS

07-11-09, 09:21
Hi Pb

You are not making a fuss.

I had a theatre procedure done a few weeks ago, ( mirena coil fitted, but fitted in theatre as i had been attending hospital for period trouble)) and they knew this time not to take my bp, as last time in june, i totally freaked out, how ever they did want to put the pulseometer on me, and they did briefly , but i couldnt stand it, and got them to take it off asap.or rather i took it off myself and forcefully handed it back. omg i am a nightmare...
i feel myself that this is not very sensible, but it is a symptom of post traumatic stress for me.
the procedure i had done could have been done at my gp surgery, or family planning clinic, so i really didnt see that it was really neccessary to do bp and pulseometer, as they wouldnt have been done at these places. But if it had been neccessary , i would have let them do it but know that the results would not have been accurate, because i was so stressed.

However, i am going to have to tackle this issue at some point , and have discussed it with my psycholigist.

I would discuss it with them when you go and see if they have to do it or not. we are all different , and all react to different things, i found the staff to be very understanding, in fact exceptionally good.

i wish you luck, let me know how you get on.

P x

07-11-09, 17:41
Thank you for your reply , i think they will be able to do it without taking my bp and im ok with having my pulse taken , i just so feel that im making a big fuss!!

08-11-09, 19:03
Only one more day to go for colonscopy and still really stressing about blood pressure, my worries about this test have gone as im so stressed about my bp, i just have to ask them not to take it , so why cant i stop worrying.Can anyone advise ..

08-11-09, 19:23
I had a colonoscopy done this year and they didn't even mention doing my BP, they just put the pulse thing on my finger while to procedure was being done. They must expect peoples BP to be raised because it is a pretty scary thing to go through. Just wait and see if they do your BP and if they do suggest it, say to them that you are very nervous and you think your BP will be high, and would it be OK if they don't do it. Do lelt us know how you get on, will be thinking about you.

13-11-09, 20:37
Had colonoscopy on tuesday- all normal.
Never had bp taken they just checked my pulse, feel very relieved.

13-11-09, 20:48
Grats well done! :yesyes: